What to eat in case of high blood pressure and low blood pressure


Today, very few people are not affected by blood pressure problems. Be it low or high, any type of blood pressure can become dangerous for life. Hypotension, called "hypotension" in medical terms, is a condition in which you may feel dizzy and faint.

Although high blood pressure is known medically as Hypertension, it is more serious and can lead to heart disease and stroke. Under these conditions, the arterial pressure in the arteries increases persistently. High blood pressure is considered a silent killer because the symptoms usually go unnoticed. Both of these types of blood pressure are chronic medical conditions in which your lifestyle matters a lot.

Blood pressure is indicated by two measures, systolic and diastolic. These are the maximum and minimum pressures of the arteries. Normal pressure may remain between 100 and 130 mmHg systolic and between 60 and 80 mmHg diastolic. If the measurements are high or low compared to the figure above, your blood pressure is not normal.

Diet and blood pressure

What to eat during BP

Diet and lifestyle play an important role in the balance of blood pressure. You will find below the types of foods that you should eat when you are suffering from hypertension.

Leafy Vegetables: If you have hypertension, eating leafy vegetables is very healthy for you. The potbadium contained in leafy vegetables helps your kidneys eliminate the body's sodium in the form of urine, which helps lower blood pressure.

Berries: Berries help prevent hypertension and lower blood pressure because of the flavonoids that they contain.

Beet: Beets are a rich source of nitric oxide that helps open blood vessels and lower your high blood pressure. In fact, according to research, beet juice helps reduce blood pressure in just 24 hours.

Dairy: Skim milk and lean yogurt are an excellent source of calcium. Research shows that the use of one or the other is very useful for lowering blood pressure.

Oats: Oatmeal is a very healthy way of lowering your blood pressure because it contains a lot of fiber, fat and sodium, which effectively improves the problems of TA.

Garlic: Eating garlic helps reduce blood pressure by vasodilatation. It is a process in which nitric oxide increases in the body after the consumption of certain foods, which helps to widen the arteries, which promotes better blood circulation and normal blood pressure.

Foods to normalize hypotension

1. Staying hydrated is the key for patients with low blood pressure. Dehydration decreases blood volume, possibly leading to low blood pressure.

2. Care must be taken to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates. Foods rich in carbohydrates are digested very quickly by the system, which lowers the BP level.

3. Foods rich in vitamin B-12 are very healthy for people with low blood pressure. Daily intake of sufficient vitamin B 12 helps to prevent anemia that can cause low blood pressure. Foods high in folic acid also help lower blood pressure.

4. Salt is essential to maintaining your blood pressure. A sufficient amount of sodium helps to increase blood pressure, which can be beneficial for people with hypotension.

5. The consumption of caffeine-rich foods and beverages instantly inflates hypotension by stimulating the cardiovascular system and increasing the heart rate.

6. The consumption of Tulsi leaves every morning helps to maintain the body and maintains the blood pressure level. High levels of potbadium, vitamin C and magnesium regulate blood flow throughout the body. Tulsi is also rich in antioxidants that primarily help maintain BP.

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