What was the Beatles' first hit No. 1 in America?


Looking back, it's easy to think of the Beatles as a sure thing. In 1963, the group featured three real leading singers, two talented songwriters and the boaster to electrify the crowds. However, Paul McCartney did not think it was enough to conquer America.

"We do not have to go to America before we have a record # 1," Paul recalls Brian Epstein, the Beatles' manager at the time. Although the band continues to accumulate 20 unthinkable singles that exceed the chart charts, the first is not easy to find.

During the interviews for AnthologyPaul described "From Me to You", a previous single, as a "flop" in America. He did not want the band to come and end as the first part of singers like Fabian (!), As did the less British bands at that time. He wanted to reach the summit.

When Epstein and the group saw the success of "I want to hold your hand" in the UK, they knew that they had their "po". In December 1963, at the release of the single in America, he sold 750,000 copies in three days. . Soon, the Fab Four would have its first number 1 in the United States.

"I want to hold your hand" took hold of the first place just before the arrival of The Beatles.

The Beatles are waiting in a sequel to the album "A Hard Day's Night", 1964. | United Artists / Courtesy of Getty Images

Paul's wish to achieve a perfectly scheduled hit was realized in early 1964. The group having reserved the role of playing in Ed Sullivan's show on February 9, the release of "I Want to Hold Your Hand 'just before the New Year has created an absurd amount of anticipation. .

In mid-January, the single entered the Billboard charts. During the last week of the month, it reached No. 3 while record stores are struggling to meet the demand. On February 1, he reached No. 1 after being eliminated by Bobby Vinton, "There! I repeated it. "

Six days later, even before a song has time to destroy it, the Beatles arrive at Kennedy Airport and the phenomenon known as Beatlemania officially begins.

When the Beatles played Ed Sullivan A few days later, the record remained at the top of the Billboard charts. In fact, it was not until seven weeks before "I want to hold your hand" to give up the first place. As you may have guessed, it took another Beatles song to put it aside.

"She loves you" followed at No. 1, followed by "I can not buy me love."

FEBRUARY 07: The Beatles arrive at Kennedy Airport. | Tom Gallagher / NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images

At the end of February, with "I want to hold your hand" in the charts, the only song that could make it fall was "She Loves You," another Beatles song in the UK. The first chorus track kept first place for another two weeks.

On April 4, "Can not Buy Me Love" took over in the front row and stayed there for the rest of the month. It was not until May 9, when Louis Amstrong's "Hello Dolly" pushed him aside, that the Fab Four finally dropped out of first place in the US standings. The race had lasted more than three months.

But the Beatles have not finished. In May, the group scored another No. 1 with "Love Me Do". A "difficult" night followed in August. When "I Feel Fine" dominated the charts in December, he recorded six # 1 hits in the same year.

Needless to say, no other artist has ever equaled that. When the Beatles arrived in 1964, Elvis was the only one to get closer (with four, twice in the late '50s).

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