What was the most commendable moment in the history of "RHONY"?


during The real housewives of New York Andy Cohen, the host, points out that the ladies had their share of extremely cringeworthy moments.

From drunk in the shrub to public debacle, take a moment and go for it. But Cohen said a particular moment in Season 11 really struck him as the most insignificant moment of the entire series.

Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan
Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan | Simon Russell / Getty Images

The moment involves Ramona Singer and her insistence on making a great speech at a charity event. Not only did Singer not be able to give the name of the sponsor of the charity, but she also plunged into dramaturgy … much to the consternation of women.

The ladies tried to save Singer

The other cast members could see that Singer was creating an embarrbading moment at the event, which is why they were interrupting him all the time. A producer asked Luann de Lesseps why Singer could not remember the name of the sponsor. "Ramona is beyond the disputed vocabulary," she said.

But Sonja Morgan insisted that Singer just did not want to remember the names. "Especially when it's his charity," Morgan says. She then turns to Dorinda Medley: "You immediately picked up the speech. I thought you did a great job. "

Cameras surprised Singer in a speech at a charity event, but he missed some key notes. Medley is trying to help him, but the efforts seem flawed and messy. But, says Morgan, Medley has at least done a good job trying to make things nice. Medley said the speech was going nowhere. "She wanted us to participate in this charity, but did she really do it," says Medley. The ladies conclude that Singer only wanted their guest list and not really their presence.

Cohen says that this one really does

Like a Real housewives producer, Cohen saw it all. So, when he recognizes that a moment was particularly "cringeworthy", it should be looked into. "I've seen a lot of laudable moments about this franchise," says Cohen in a clip. "The Loves Kids event in New York was as rigorous as possible." As Cohen spoke, cameras captured women who closed their eyes, recalling the moment.

Singer's immediate response was to emphasize that his efforts had paid off. Cohen turns to Medley to try to understand what motivates her. "It was all about Ramona again," says Medley. "All the attention had to be on Ramona. She did not want to share the spotlight. She did not want to share anything. "

Medley added that Singer wanted to "push them in the back as with photos". Meanwhile, Bethenny Frankel said that Singer's actions were the opposite of charity.

Was Singer embarrbaded?

Cohen turns to Singer for his reaction to what members of the cast said about his behavior. "Well, I was going to talk first and they could have talked right after me," Singer says defending himself. "Then they would not let me talk."

But when Cohen asks de Lesseps for her reaction and that she says she's horrified, Medley turns to her. "Oh, Luann, stop," said Medley. "You acted atrociously in the Berkshires. You are the last person. You must read your own book and come back. Medley then embarks on a hilarious reenactment of De Lesseps' horror that she could sleep in the dreaded "fish room." As she speaks, Frankel is completely hysterical.

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