What would it take for Meghan Markle and her father to make peace?


Unless you are completely out of the loop, you know the drama that Meghan Markle is living with her family. Most of the drama comes from Meghan's half-sister, Samantha Markle, who chats with the Duchess in interviews as well as on social media.

Many Meghan fans have speculated in recent months that Samantha is just looking for attention, and Meghan refuses to give in.

In addition to the drama caused by Samantha, Meghan has been separated from her father, Thomas Markle, since her marriage to Prince Harry. She even went so far as to send him a letter to which he did not answer. Chances are, Meghan is extremely hurt, and fans are wondering what it will take for the Duchess and her father to make peace?

Thomas Markle did not come to the wedding

Although he had originally planned to walk his daughter down the aisle, Thomas Markle retired at the last minute. Meghan did not publicly share her disappointment, but it could not be easy for her not to have her father at one of the most important events of her life. Prince Charles graciously escorted Meghan in the alleyway to his prince who was waiting for him. However, Meghan will always want Thomas could have been there.

His father shared his private letter with the world

When Meghan sent a letter to his father to tell him of his hurt feelings, he did not let it go. Instead, he shared it with the world, much to Meghan's disappointment.

She wrote the letter to try to end the pain she felt and her father decided instead to betray her trust by letting millions of people tell what Meghan had meant for him.

Thomas made no known attempt to stop the drama caused by Samantha

Samantha Markle is Thomas's eldest daughter and she told the media that she was close to her father. He is well aware of the intense drama that Samantha is creating for his younger sister, but he made no knowTry to talk to him and tell him to stop.

This probably gives Meghan the feeling that her father has no worries about his feelings, which further aggravates the emotional pain.

What will it take for Meghan and his father to make peace?

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Thomas Markle shares private photos, letters from his daughter Meghan & I have enough * Disclaimer: This is a critical and candid evaluation of Thomas Markle. To avoid non-positive content, do not read further. * In the past year, Thomas Markle has told a story of neglect on the part of his daughter. Meghan's only public statement was a statement of support when he was sick. Neither before nor after meeting Harry, did Meghan buy her father back. He had to walk her in the alley. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thomas's last attempt to arouse sympathy proves how much Meghan liked him and made him trust – and why she could not do it anymore. He told the Mail Sunday: "Everyone says that Meghan can not talk to me because I'm going to reveal secrets. But it's the bull ****. Yet, in a dramatic display of cognitive dissonance, Markle almost immediately blurted out that Meghan and her fiancé Trevor had offered marijuana to the guests at her wedding. Then he tried to point out the injustice of his negative press by denigrating his son-in-law: I never played at the naked pool and I did not disguise myself as a Nazi. He forgot to mention that Prince Harry was navigating in an extremely difficult situation under a microscope without the guidance of the mother who had been tragically kidnapped. Thomas also shared Meghan's wedding invitation, private photos and handwritten cards. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "But she lied about the fact that he pays for school! Why Should not he defend himself? " There is nothing to fight. Markle paid for attending a private high school; she often thanks him in the publications of the Mail. Nothing indicates that he paid for Northwestern. Like all other unverifiable rumors, this red herring obscures the facts. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Staying true to the facts brushes an unflattering picture of Markle: he continually accepts money to publicize cherished daughter's childhood artifacts and personal data, thus directly violating Meghan's privacy demands. He is called a victim, but his own actions brought him here. Although I believe that he loves his daughter as much as he can, these actions are not those of a man desperate to save a relationship, but of a man desiring to 39, enjoy it.

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All the current dramas have left the fans wondering what it would take to Meghan and his father to finally bury the hatchet and make peace. As everyone knows, Meghan is going through an extremely exciting time of her life, as she waits for her first child with Prince Harry.

Being a compbadionate and reasonable person, Meghan would surely love nothing more than to let his father share his joy. If the drama continues, Thomas further reduces his chances of having a relationship with his grandson.

What must happen?

Most likely, Meghan is probably looking for a sincere apology. She probably wants to have a heart to heart conversation with her father and ask him to promise to move forward, he will keep private relations between them and will not talk to the media.

Meghan is probably looking for Thomas to confess his mistakes, such as the staging of paparazzi photographs, and to express his genuine remorse for his actions. It would be a wonderful thing for the Duke and Duchess of Susbad that Meghan's father could be part of their life, as well as baby Susbad's life!

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