WhatsApp Business now launches for the iPhone |


More than a year after its launch on Android, WhatsApp Business is being rolled out on the iOS platform. The professional version of Messenger Support Client is now available on the App Store. […]

With the application, companies can use the company profile to configure additional information and contact information such as email addresses, store addresses or links to the official website. (c) pixabay
With the application, companies can use the company profile to configure additional information and contact information such as email addresses, store addresses or links to the official website. (c) pixabay

Now that the commercial version of WhatsApp is available for the Android platform since the beginning of last year, the deployment for Apple iOS also begins. The application is now available in app stores in Germany, Brazil, Indonesia, India, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States. This allows corporate customers with an iPhone to regulate customer support via WhatsApp.

With the application, companies can use the company profile to configure additional information and contact information such as email addresses, store addresses or links to the official website. The built-in messaging feature makes it easy to make direct contact with support requests. For frequently used topics, users have the option to set up short form FAQs. In addition, the application offers predefined welcome messages as well as holiday notifications.

According to their own information, more than five million companies worldwide already use this service. Small businesses and start-ups in particular use the solution as a cost-effective customer communication and an additional sales channel. For example, WhatsApp lists an online candy store located in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, which handles 60% of its sales through the app.

* Stefan Bordel is a COM author! Professional.

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