Whatsapp threat now on Huawei Aus phones – Multimedia


Chinese company Huawei has been blacklisted by the US government. This limits the collaboration of Google and other US companies with the mobile provider. For users, this implies drastic restrictions. Because even Google's parent company "Alphabet Inc." Stop deploying hardware and important Android services.


Do you use WhatsApp?

Google locks Android for Huawei, as well as Gmail

This includes, among others, Google Play, Google Maps, GMail & Co. This information has sparked strong reactions among hundreds of thousands of users in Austria. In the first official statement, Huawei ensures that all smartphones and tablets already sold can continue to use all services.

Google is studying the consequences

What does it look like when Android releases a new update is not yet clear. This should then lead to restrictions. Huawei has not revealed what should look like with the new smartphones and tablets coming to the market. Google said via Twitter, follow the instructions of the US government and think about the consequences.

Whatsapp, Facebook and Insta gone?

The future Huawei phones should probably do without services such as Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook, he says in "Chip". While Huawei could offer apps through its own app store, it is unlikely that US companies will provide their apps to the Chinese. This would only affect the mentioned mobile apps, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.

The bottom of the argument? The United States is concerned that Huawei technology is a gateway for Chinese espionage and sabotage. Huawei itself repeatedly refers to its independence from the Chinese state and the US evidence is lacking so far.

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