When did Prince William and Kate Middleton tell the royal family that they were betrothed?


We return to the relationship between Prince William and Kate Middleton, and more particularly on their commitment.

How they met

Prince William and Kate Middleton met unanimously at St. Andrew's University during their first year of university.

Middleton claimed to be William's girlfriend a month after the start of their first year. In Kate: the future queenKatie Nicholl, Royal Expert and Biographer, talks to former Middleton clbadmate Laura Warshauer. Both speak of Middleton helping William out of a delicate situation at a party.

"Kate and I were eating brownies. Kate has never been a big drinker, she does not need alcohol to give her confidence. Will was really very impressed by this girl at the party, and it was getting very uncomfortable because he could not shake her, "Warshauer told Nicholls.

"He was really polite, but this girl simply did not understand." Suddenly, Kate came behind him and took him in. He said, "Oh, sorry, but I have a girlfriend, "and he and Kate laughed and said" thank you very much "in a really exaggerated way, but Kate was the only girl in the room who could have done it. just one month after our entrance to the university.

This may be a sign of things to come for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The beginning of their relationship

Middleton and William began to get involved in love life only a little later in the second half of their first year of university.

Kate Middleton and Prince William
Kate Middleton and Prince William | The Middleton Family / Clarence House via GettyImages

William would have seen Middleton walk around in a university fashion show and realized that he had feelings for her. They then shared a kiss at a party that marked the beginning of their relationship.


The couple separated twice during their relationship. Once in 2004 and again in 2007.

The break in 2004 was attributed to doubts about the future of their relationship and second to a series of bad events that led William to have his picture taken with another girl.


It is logical that William wants to propose to the love of his life a place that he loves. And one of the places that the prince likes, is Africa. Prince William told CNN why Africa was so important to him, according to Marie Claire.

"I dream regularly. Africa is definitely one of the places I go. It calms me completely. [Kate] understands what it means for me to be in Africa and my love of conservation, "he said.

William also informed the press briefing of the preparation of his proposal. "I had not really planned it so far in advance. I just knew that I wanted to be comfortable where I had done it, "he said.

Kate Middleton and Prince William
Prince William and Kate Middleton | Chris Jackson / Getty Images

William proposed to Middleton in a log cabin at the foot of Mount Kenya, according to The Telegraph. Their accommodations are known to be extremely private, making it the perfect place to ask William the question.

William offered with the engagement ring of his mother, the late Princess Diana, a "way to ensure that my mother would not miss the enthusiasm."

When they told the royal family

Prince William and Kate Middleton got engaged in a rustic cabin nestled at the foot of a mountain. Needless to say, the means of communication with their families was limited. It is for this reason that the royal family learned of the existence of their engagement shortly before their public announcement in November 2010.

Kate Middleton and Prince William
Kate Middleton and Prince William, | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Queen Elizabeth II, William's grandmother, did not learn that the couple was engaged before three years (Three!) hours before announcing to the world. Talk about cutting it close. We can badume that the rest of the royal family was discovered at about the same time as the queen.

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