Where are the Ghana identity cards? – Bentil "shakes the tables"


General News of Saturday, March 30, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


Kofi Bentil 21 Minutes New play the videoKofi Bentil is vice-chair of the IMANI Policy Think Tank

The National Identification Authority (NIA) is facing renewed pressure to produce national identity cards as the most reliable solution in Ghana for dealing with a nationality crisis.

The mandate of the NIA to produce the maps has been clearly defined, as indicated by the Electoral Commission (EC), it expects to establish a new register of voters for the elections of 2020.

But the proposal rubs political commentators the wrong way because it is considered a useless exercise and a duplication.

Ghana's identity card has been presented to Ghanaians as a versatile identity card containing biometric information that will be needed to access many social services, including health, education, health and social services. retreats, pbadport services and business registration.

The Ghana Card should put an end to the existing era. Several organizations have built their own database and issued their own maps.

Since the president launched the cards in September 2017, delays and delays have blocked the issuance of cards. Although the process has begun in some public institutions, the nationally planned deployment has not yet taken place.

Vice President of the IMANI Political Think Tank, Kofi Bentil, expressed exasperation at the stagnant progress in issuing cards.

"You do not want to hear my story," he said in Joy News's journal Newsfile. The card, he said, is a more credible means of identification for voters than biometric identity cards.

"Today we have enough technologies in the country to have a living register that can renew itself," he said. NDC Secretary General Johnson Asiedu Nketia provided support.

"If you're done with a national identity card, you may not need to register at all."

Ghana spent huge sums of money compiling an album of voters in 2002 and 2012, the year of the creation of a biometric registry.

Kofi Bentil secured the support of political parties to pressure the NIA to unveil the cards and cancel the EC's effort for a new voter register.

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