Where the evidence is – NDC asks the NPP to claim excessive project cost deductions


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The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has tasked the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) with proving allegations that the administration led by John Mahama has inflated the cost of the projects. during his term.

NPP Secretary General John Boadu, at a press conference in Accra on Sunday, reprimanded the former government for mismanaging the economy and leaving it a very poor country. in debt (HIPC), one reason why it has entered into a program with the International Monetary Fund. Fund (IMF).

He also alleged that former President Mahama had spent additional unbudgeted funds.Ȼ4 billion in a desperate attempt to win the 2012 elections.

He mentioned that RLG laptops that had been paid but never delivered to students, were one of the unnecessary expenses incurred by the previous administration.

Mr. Boadu added that in 2016, former President Mahama had spent more thanȻ$ 7 billion of non-budgeted capital expenditures on expensive infrastructure, many of which had price tags that were inflated and could not be seen today were also not priority projects, such as indicated.

The Greater Accra Regional Hospital (Ridge Hospital) and the Kasoa Exchange Project were also mentioned as part of exaggerated projects by the Mahama-led administration. He also alleged that the previous government had spent $ 10 million for the printing of presidential diaries.

Sammy Gyamfi

The press conference was held at the NDC headquarters in Accra.

At a press conference on Tuesday, the NDC asked the NPP to prove that the cost of these projects had been inflated.

Sammy Gyamfi, national communications manager, said: "Today, they are in government, they have the state apparatus at their disposal. They have all the security and investigation organs at their disposal.

"Where is the evidence that the Ridge Hospital project has been inflated? Where is the proof that President Mahama spent $ 10 million printing presidential diaries? Where is the evidence that the Kasoa interchange, Kumasi Airport projects have been inflated, "he questioned.

He added that if the "lies" of the government aim to keep Ghanaians in power in the 2020 elections, they calculate badly because "Ghanaians discern".

The NDC has declared that the record of former President Mahama, described as destructive by the NPP, occupies a preponderant place in the country's history and that Ghanaians will see through the deception of the government.

He thinks that in 2020, Ghanaians will vote for the John Mahama "redenominated", as described by the NPP, to the detriment of a "depreciated" and "discredited" Akufo-Addo.

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