Which GOP legislators have condemned Trump's tweet


But until now, many party leaders do not make the slightest move, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. "If he's making a statement about it, we'll be sure to pbad it on," McConnell spokesman David Popp said in response to a question from CNN.

While many Republican congressional leaders have not yet spoken out, some GOP members are speaking out publicly to condemn his remarks. Here is what some of these senators and Republican representatives have said so far:

Senator John Cornyn from Texas

"I think what the president said was a mistake and an untrammeled mistake and that's pretty much all I thought," Cornyn told CNN, adding that "I do not think you're going change someone at this stage of his life, but I hope he will, like all of us when we make a mistake, he will learn from it. "

Senator Mitt Romney from Utah

Romney, who was the Republican presidential candidate for 2012, told reporters that the president had "failed" with his tweets.

When asked if it was racism, Romney said, "You know, a lot of people have used that word and I think what was said and what was tweeted is destructive, humiliating, disuniting and frankly, was very wrong. "

Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri

Blunt, who is a member of the GOP leadership in the Senate, suggested in a statement that Trump was using "unacceptable tactics" similar to those Democrats he wanted to criticize.

"The mere fact that the so-called team is insulting and constantly attacking the president is not a reason to adopt an unacceptable tactic," Blunt said in a statement. "There is much to be said about the destructive nature of the House Democrats' policies for our economy, our health care system and our security – I think that's where the focus should be placed."

Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina

Scott, one of the two black Republican members sitting in Congress, said in a statement that Trump's words used "racist language."

"Instead of saying in what way the far left and pro-socialist policy of the Democratic Party – not to mention the hateful language that some of their members have used with regard to the forces of order and the Jews – is unacceptable for the future of our country, said President unacceptable personal attacks and offensive racist language, "Scott said in his statement. "Whatever our political disagreements, aiming for the lowest common denominator will only further divide our country."

Senator Susan Collins from Maine

Collins, who is due to be reelected next year, said Trump should remove his tweet.

"I disagree with many of the views and comments of some of the far-left members of the House democratic caucus – particularly with respect to their views on socialism, anti-Semitic rhetoric, and negative comments. on law enforcement – – but the President's tweet, according to which some members of Congress should return to the "places where they came from," far exceeded the bounds, and he should l & # 39; to take off. "

Senator Rob Portman from Ohio

Portman said in a statement to CNN: "This is not something I would say, and I think it's a source of contention, useless and wrong".

At an appearance on Tuesday in "New Day," he told CNN's John Berman that "comments are useless and false by nature."

"And, you know, I think there are a lot of things we should talk about and can talk about that uniting our country now," Portman said.

Rep. Will Hurd from Texas

Hurd, the only black Republican member of the House, told CNN, Christiane Amanpour, that Trump's tweets were "racist".

"I think these tweets are racist and xenophobic," Hurd said Monday. "They are equally inaccurate.The four women he is talking about are actually citizens of the United States.Three of the four are born here.This is also unworthy behavior of the leader of the free world.He should talk about things that unite, not divide us. "

Representative Pete Olson from Texas

"Tweet Trump's President posted this weekend on congressional colleagues does not reflect the values ​​of the more than 1,000,000 people in Texas 22. We are proud to be the most diverse congressional district of the world." America, "said Olson. tweeted On Monday. "I urge our president to immediately disavow his comments."

Rep. Fred Upton from Michigan

"Frankly, I'm shocked by the president's tweets," Upton said in a series of tweets on Monday. "There is no excuse.Inflammatory rhetoric on both sides of the aisle that is used to divide us is just not fair.This is not helpful."

Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

"President Trump was wrong to suggest four leftist congressional women to return to their place of origin," Toomey said in a statement. "Three of the four were born in America and the citizenship of the four is as valid as mine.I totally disagree with the opinion of these congressional women on immigration, socialism, security national and virtually all political issues, but they have the right to their opinions, however erroneous, we should reject their ideas on the merits, not on the basis of their ancestors. "

Representative Paul Mitchell of Michigan

Mitchell quoted Trump's tweet in his response to the president on Monday.

"@ RealDonaldTrump, we have to be better than comments like these," he tweeted. "I share the political frustrations with some members of the other party, but these comments are under the leaders."

Susan Brooks, representative of Indiana

Brooks, who is retiring from Congress at the end of his term, issued a statement calling Trump's comments "inappropriate."

"The remarks of the President to my colleagues across the way are inappropriate and do not reflect American values," Brooks said in a statement. "ALL of our elected officials must raise their level of civility in order to tackle the serious problems facing our country."

Representative Peter King of New York

A spokesman for King told CNN: "The tweets were inappropriate and wrong."

Representative John Katko of New York

"The president's tweets were wrong," Katko tweeted. "I vehemently criticized far-left lawmakers when I do not agree with the direction they want to take in the country – but critics should be focused on politics ".

Representative Mike Turner from Ohio

"I am convinced that every member of Congress is a committed American," he tweeted. "This weekend's @ realDonaldTrump tweets were racist and he should apologize, we have to work as a country to overcome hatred and not allow it."

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

"There is no excuse for the president's malicious comments, they were absolutely unacceptable and that must stop," Murkowski said in a statement. "We have enough challenges to face humanitarian crises both at our borders and around the world, and instead of digging in the mud with personal and vindictive insults, we must demand a higher level of decorum and decency. "

Elise Stefanik from New York

"While I strongly disagree with the tactics, policies and rhetoric of the" far left socialist brigade ", the president's tweets were inappropriate, derogatory and erroneous.It is unacceptable to tell legal American citizens to return to their country of origin "Stefanik tweeted.

Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma

"I am deeply disappointed by the President's remarks against fellow Americans and members of Congress," Cole said in a statement. "The use of such language is inappropriate and devalues ​​the office of the presidency."

This story has been updated with additional developments on Monday.

CNN's Devan Cole, Haley Byrd, Suzanne Malveaux, Ashley Killough, Gregory Wallace, Ellie Kaufman, Ted Barrett, Clare Foran, Phil Mattingly, Kristin Wilson, Allison Gordon and Alex Rogers contributed to this report.

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