Whiskey Cavalier of the star Walking Dead Lauren Cohan is officially canceled


Lauren Cohan, Whiskey Rider

Nick Ray / ABC via Getty Images

The dead who walk star Lauren Cohan will not be able to take another mission in Whiskey Cavalier, as ABC's spy drama was officially canceled.

It was reported this week that the network would potentially save the series, but showrunner David Hemingson has now confirmed his unfortunate fate.

Hemingson went on Twitter on Friday May 24 to announce that the show had been "completely and finally canceled".

In the first of his two tweets, he wrote: "Friends: I just got the sad news that @ABCNetwork has been overtaken. #WhiskeyCavalier has been completely canceled. We all thank you very much for your efforts on our behalf. not start to express my gratitude for the surge of support. "

In the second, he added: "It's incredibly painful to say goodbye to this show and our extraordinary casting, but to know that we have created something that you enjoy – and that I believe will withstand the test of time – makes it all worthwhile. "

On the positive side, the theatrical turn of the comedy drama could eventually allow Cohan to resume her role as Maggie in The dead who walk.

Lauren Cohan, Maggie Rhee, Danai Gurira, Michonne, The Walking Dead, Season 9, Episode 1

Jackson Lee DavisAMC

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The actress has recently been questioned on several occasions about her possible return for season 10.

Last month, she stated that there were "certainly a lot of exciting ways" to make her comeback, while in March she had admitted that she had "no" finished "with the series.

The dead who walk broadcast on AMC in the United States and on FOX in the United Kingdom. You can also follow the show via NOW TV.

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