WHO and the Principality of Monaco pledge to end malaria in the Sahel region of Africa


With 93% of all deaths from malaria in the world in the African region, the Principality of Monaco and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa have established a new partnership aimed at the continent a step closer to Africa without malaria.

The partnership announced today at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, will bring in two million euros over five years. The funds will help WHO to work with eight countries (Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Chad) in the Sahel region to accelerate the elimination of malaria. More than 374 million people in the Sahel region are at risk of contracting malaria.

"It is only with the generous support of our donors and partners that WHO will achieve our common goal of a malaria-free future in Africa," said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, Director. Regional Office for Africa. "The contributions, like that of the Principality of Monaco, are decisive for us to continue to progress, especially in those countries that bear the heaviest burden of malaria."

"Since 2007, the Principality has been supporting WHO's health programs in Africa.This new investment demonstrates the enormous burden that malaria represents for African countries and its crippling effects on the world. socio-economic development of the region, "said Gilles Tonelli, Government Counselor and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Monaco.

The Monaco-WHO grant agreement will contribute to the work of the Regional Office for Africa in providing technical support and advice to the eight Sahel countries, including by contributing to the strengthening of programs, health and social services. technical capacity building and sub-regional collaboration and coordination.

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