WHO recommends zero hours for babies: what could happen to children exposed to electronic screens?


Experts have repeatedly warned against extended screen time for children. Several studies have shown that children exposed to screens are prone to obesity, delayed cognitive development and inattentive behaviors. ( pixabay )

A recent study by the World Health Organization recommends not spending time in front of a non-sedentary screen for babies aged 0 to 2 years old. Pbadive listening has become a flagship activity of children these days. In fact, the time spent on the screen has doubled in the last two decades.

The accessibility of gadgets and the tendency of parents to keep children with screens have contributed to the increase in the screen time.

Many researches have shown the disadvantages of digital screens for children. Whether TV, tablet or smartphone, these screens are not suitable for children, especially the very young.
What could really happen to children overexposed to screens? Here are some results based on the research:

Development delays

Excessive screen time can affect a child's ability to develop optimally. A study by the National Institutes of Health suggests that spending too much time in front of screens can have a negative impact on the emotional, psychological and cognitive development of a child.

Other research has also established a link between screen time and premature changes in the brain structure of children. In particular, children who spend more than seven hours a day on the screen may experience premature thinning of the part of their brain that processes sensory information.

Similarly, children exposed to more screen time at the age of 2 also had the worst results at developmental tests at age 3.

Children who spend more than two hours on the screen are more likely to develop problems of inattention and behavior.

On the other hand, children who have more physical activity and quality sleep are able to perform better during tests that measure language abilities, memory, executive functions, ability to perform, and the ability to perform well. attention and speed of treatment.

Obesity And Screen Time

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2015 to 2016, nearly one in five children in the United States is obese. Childhood obesity can lead to more health problems later in life. Experts also found a link between screen time and obesity.

"Time spent in front of a screen is badociated with being overweight and obese, badociated with high cholesterol and high blood pressure," said Dr. Stephen Daniels, a pediatric cardiologist and spokesperson for the company. American Heart Association.

It is also recommended to limit the time spent in front of the screen and to be physically active to fight against obesity in children.

Physical activities and quality sleep are always best for children

The first years of training are crucial for the growth and development of the child. The WHO said that improving activities and ensuring a quality sleep would help improve the physical and mental health and overall well-being of children. The health agency said babies aged 4 to 11 months were to sleep between 12 and 16 hours a day. Other activities not based on screening are also beneficial for infants and children.

The length of the recommended leisure screen varies depending on the age of the child. Several studies suggest that the optimal filtering time for children should be between zero and 30 minutes per day and should not exceed two hours in total.

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