Who should kill Thanos in Avengers: Endgame?


Guardian Nebula of the Galaxy

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We are nine days from the official release date of Avengers: End of the game. Despite the leaks, we still speculate and will probably stay until the lights go out during the first projections. We hope that Thanos will be defeated, but the question remains how? And if someone takes the advice of Thanos and aims at the head, the question also arises: who will be the Avenger who releases the Titan for good?

Let's start by saying that Marvel will probably ask Tony or Thor to kill Thanos, and if it's Tony, I'll be angry. Not because I do not like Tony, but because it would be a totally undeserved moment for the character. Yes, Tony has realized the imminent threat of something lurking in the cosmos, but he has already had his great emotional confrontation with Thanos. He will have a big start and a great heroic moment or many in End of Gamebut he does not need to kill Thanos. He must succeed catharsis in another way

I feel the same about Steve who could potentially eliminate Thanos, and I'm Steve Stan from side to side. Steve did not even have Tony's level of awareness of the Thanos threat; it's focused on the Earth and what's going on there. He should be able to help eliminate Thanos, and I'm sure his death could come to Thanos, but he does not deserve the right to kill Thanos.

Thor has the most to gain by eliminating Thanos, not just because he did not aim his head. Thanos slaughtered half of his people, then Loki and Heimdall in front of Thor while he could only watch. This is the kind of grief that deserves a moment when Thor can not participate in the last provocation, but rather finishes quickly, before Thanos can crack again.

However, Thor had his shot. As impressive as a scene where Thor accepts Thanos' advice, he did not quite win the same results either.

Likewise, Carol Danvers, even though I adore her, should not be the killer of Thanos either. Carol defended the cosmos and, although the breakup cost her dearly in the form of losing her friend Fury, making her appear for a movie and then go out, Thanos would feel very badly won. I want her to be the key to defeating him, but we need someone who has an interest in the game for a while to be the one who will end everything.

However, if it is Okoye who does, I certainly will not complain.

In the end, two characters deserve the title of Thanos-Killer. One is dead, but we all know that it could change in Endgame. The other has survived and is by far the most accurate candidate to bring down Thanos.

Nebula and Gamora, the girls of Thanos, have been abused and abused in her hands for years. The mother and the people of Gamora were murdered by him. The nebula was built and rebuilt by him. Thanos pitted them against each other, tortured them and finally killed Gamora for his own ambitions. If anyone deserves to kill Thanos, it's him.

Ideally, they would team up to shoot him, but we do not know if Gamora will be resurrected. The honor goes to Nebula, a villain turned half-ally who has now lost everything to the hands of Thanos. Trapped on Titan with Tony Stark, she saw the Guardians soften a few moments after learning that her sister had been murdered. If anyone has the right to defeat Thanos, it is her. In comics, it plays a central role in this respect.

It also has the most narrative meaning. They understood the idea that Gamora and Nebula would overcome their trauma, and the mission of Nebula Guardians of the galaxy 2 was to find Thanos and kill him. It would end perfectly if she were able to get out her monstrous foster father once and for all, for Gamora and for herself.

However, Marvel might decide to follow the "easy way" and have a Avenger – Tony or Thor – be the killer of Thanos. It also badumes that Thanos will die, although I am not sure of any other way to neutralize it as a threat. We still do not know much and we will not know it before we sit down to watch the movie ourselves. Until then, place your bets on all inter-office death pools if Thanos is a good player and, if so, who will be best able to make sure he is not injured anymore.

(image: Marvel)

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