Why Alec Baldwin can stop playing Donald Trump on & # 39; SNL & # 39;


Alec Baldwin is he ready to give up his imitation of Donald Trump on SNL or is he planning to continue doing so for the rest of Trump's presidential term? Although he has discussed the idea of ​​putting his Trump bedstop at one point, it seems that the time has come sooner than later.

Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump in Saturday Night Live - Season 42
Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump on SNL | Will Heath / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

How long has Baldwin been imitating Trump?

Would you believe that Baldwin started his version of Trump on Saturday Night Live in 2016? If you need an update, he's been working on it for a long time. He first played the role in a sketch of the presidential debate before appearing in many other sketches of debate and other skits, such as Family quarrel and a parody of Beyonce's "lemonade".

After Trump was elected president, Baldwin would have had more opportunities to run as POTUS. Trump is not a fan of Baldwin himself and repeatedly criticized the impersonation on Twitter the following opinion: "Totally biased, not funny, the imitation of Baldwin just can not get worse. Sad. He also tweeted: "NBCNews is bad, but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, the actors are terrible, always a complete hit. Really bad TV!

When asked recently what he thought of Trump's tweets during an interview with Today Show, Baldwin said, "You can not care about it …. We are just going there to have fun.

Baldwin does less Trump's identity borrowing

Baldwin recently told IndieWire that he was doing less SNL appearances that he had previously like Trump. He explained, "We did it once a month this season. Last season, I did it several times, and the previous season – the first season – I did it almost every show. I think I did it at every show. And I think people want to have a little less. And it remains to be seen if I will do it again … It is interesting to note that the same thing applies there, as everywhere else: if the writing is good. "

When will Baldwin stop playing Trump? SNL?

At a recent appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy FallonBaldwin was asked how long he will use picture borrowing. He explained, "I do not know. I do not know. I'm doing it now. We do it about once a month. He continued, "You are sucked in," adding, "They keep getting me back"

Surprisingly, he is not the biggest fan of his vision of Trump, which he describes as "mediocre and universally recognized identity theft". And we have certainly popularized it from time to time, beyond certain limitations. But it's essentially for us to repeat what he said and hold a mirror of what he says and does. "

Baldwin mentioned having left the role before

In 2017, Baldwin said that he was likely to put an end to his impression, explaining to Extra: "I will not do it much longer, by the way. The borrowing of identity. I do not know how many people can stand it. "

For now, fans will take Baldwin's limited appearances like Trump on SNL – and check on Sunday morning to read the president's thoughts on Twitter.

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