Why are Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo going even further from his family?


Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo recently announced to their fans that they were moving their lives in Laredo, Texas to Los Angeles, even further from Jinger's family. Both posted their big announcement on Instagram and on their blog. But why are the two moving even further from the Duggars? Does this have anything to do with Jinger's family?

Jinger Duggar with her husband Jeremy Vuolo and daughter Felicity Vuolo. | Jinger Vuolo via Instagram

Jinger and Jeremy moved to Laredo when they got married

Jeremy Vuolo was already living in Texas during their first meeting with Jinger. The couple did not start courting right away because they lived so far apart, but when they finally met, they both knew that they wanted be together. Both are only courted for one month before becoming engaged. They arranged a wedding rather quickly, then Jinger left his home in Arkansas to join Jeremy in Texas. For nearly three years, the couple lives in the Lone Star State. And last year, they added to their family when they welcomed their daughter, Felicity.

Jinger said that living away from his family took some

Jinger may have seemed strong when she left her home country, Arkansas, but things were not always easy. On the last episode of Counting onJinger revealed that there was a lot of emotion in leaving his family and that you had to get used to it. She said that she missed her family a lot when she moved to a new location for the first time, but for most things, the adjustment comes on time. Now she will be moving away from her family even more. And although this is another big change, it's nothing she has done before.

Now the couple are moving to Los Angeles so Jeremy can take clbades

Jinger and Jeremy recently announced on a blog that they were leaving Texas to pursue a new life in California. Jeremy is taking graduate courses at Master's Seminary, and the family will travel to California in July. However, a move to California also means that Jinger will be even further away from his family. She visits him when she can, but it will be even more difficult for her to return to Arkansas now that she is on the west coast. However, it does not appear that his family was involved in the resettlement. The couple noted that God was sending them to the west, and leaving Laredo would be "one of the most difficult things" they have ever done.

They recently hinted that they were not going to have more children – not yet

When Counting on producers
asked Jinger and Jeremy what they looked forward to for 2019, the
A couple said they were excited to see Felicity grow up. While some other Duggars
mentioned having another baby, Jinger and Jeremy seemed to be content with their only
girl, especially after making such a big change. Although the
couple will
probably have more children
on the road, it does not seem like there will be a
Pregnancy announcement from them anytime this year.

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