Why did Kevin Feige say that? Avengger: Hawkee Twist is not a spoiler



The new toys confirm that Clint Barton has adopted more than a new costume.

By Jim Vejvoda

UPDATE: IGN met one-on-one with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige on Sunday at the Avengers: Endgame Press Junket, where he told us that the revelation of Hawkeye's adoption of Ronin's appearance was not a spoiler.

"You have to look at these things to see them, so I think if I want to know all the secrets of, you know, whatever happens – Episode Nine I could dig deep enough online to find it. it's all there, but I do not do that, "said Feige. "Ronin was in the caravans, I mean, he was in the marketing materials."

Feige continued: "And because Hawkeye had been so absent from Infinity War, we thought it would be fun, as far as marketing is concerned to present one of the many different aspects of this film, that 39 is that he is in the film and that he answers the question, somehow, where did he go? "

Our original report follows.

When in doubt, Hawkeye, aka Clint Barton, has definitely adopted Ronin's face in Avengers: Endgame.

The new toys and actor's costume Jeremy Renner, both exposed to the Avengers: End Press Junket Game this weekend, make it clear that Clint Barton's new look is Ronin's.

Check out the photos below.

So what makes Ronin's character meaningful? As Jesse Schedeen of IGN explained in his badysis of Renner's costume (based on what we know about Marvel comics):

"For those who do not know Ronin, he's not a character but a cover identity used by many different heroes." In comics, Ronin's costume was first worn by Echo, the Daredevil's ally He was then pbaded on to Clint Barton after his death and resurrection at the hands of the Scarlet Witch (she was going through some problems at the time).

Feeling disenchanted, Clint gave up his Hawkeye identity and took Ronin's place. This change of costume reflected a darker and more motivated state of mind. And even though the circumstances in Endgame may be different, Clint's motives are probably the same. Statistically, it seems reasonable to think that at least part of her family was killed during the Decimation.

The main reason why heroes tend to wear Ronin's costume is to conceal their identity, whether it's to get undercover (in the case of Echo) or because their secret identity is already public. This suggests to us that the Super Human Registration Act introduced in Captain America: Civil War in 2016 is still in effect. The reason why Clint Barton becomes Ronin in Endgame is probably due to his willingness to resume his superhero career without seeming to violate SHRA. In this case, the only reason he escaped the events of Infinity War is that he entered into an advocacy agreement with the government and gave up being Hawkeye. He needs a new identity of superheroes if he wants to escape the attention of the authorities. "

To learn more about Avengers: Endgame, check out our article on the theory that Avengers lose their revenge against Thanos, learn what we've learned from CinemaCon footage, ask filmmakers why the movie lasts three hours, and watch the last one. teaser the movie.

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