Why do I pee in the middle of the night? A new study explores


Pissing at night is like cleaning your water bottle: you do it all the time or you do not do it. And if you pee at night, it's probably not something that makes you happy. Not only can this disrupt your sleep and your circadian rhythm, but if you often resist the urge to leave (because you know it is 3 am), this can be detrimental to your internal organs.

And, according to new research, going to the bath at night could be a sign of a more worrying health problem. A new study from the European Society of Cardiology revealed that if you urinate frequently at night, this could be an indicator of hypertension.

"Our study indicates that if you need to urinate at night – called nocturia – you may have high blood pressure and / or excess fluid in your body," says Satoshi Konno, MD, of the division of hypertension from Tohoko Rosai Hospital in Sendai, Japan.

The study itself examined the link between nocturnal pee and hypertension in the general Japanese population. The researchers discovered that the risk of hypertension Pink as the number of nocturnal events per night increased. To put it simply: the more people have to use the bathroom, the higher the risk of high blood pressure.

"We found that getting up at night to urinate was badociated with a 40% increase in the risk of hypertension," Konno said. "And the higher the number of toilet visits, the higher the risk of hypertension."

These discoveries are not only important for those suffering from nocturia, but Konno explains that this study has implications for the prevention of heart disease, especially since a billion people suffer from high blood pressure in the heart. world, major risk factor for heart disease.

"Early detection and management of hypertension are very important for preventing cardiovascular disease.We must keep in mind that nocturia is not only caused by organ problems but also by systemic diseases such as hypertension. "

That said, if you like the night, do not panic. Konno says that these results do not prove a cause-and-effect relationship between nocturia and hypertension, but a strong correlation. "The relationship between hypertension and nocturia can be influenced by various factors, including lifestyle, salt intake, ethnicity, and genetic history."

In other words, you may just have too much fluid in your body or you may need to reduce your salt intake. But if you keep peeing at night, it may be wise to ask your doctor to measure your blood pressure and salt intake on your next visit. This way you will get to the bottom of things and enjoy a better night's sleep.

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