Why do some people think Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child?


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will soon be giving birth with their first child, and the world has been on edge since the announcement of the pregnancy. While most of the world has focused on this special royal baby, many titles have hinted that it would not work only royal baby this year.

In fact, many people think that Prince Harry's older brother, Prince William, will become a father again this year. But why do some people think Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child? Is it or is it all rumor? Here is what you need to know.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton | JEFF J MITCHELL / AFP / Getty Images

People have royal fever

Rumors that Kate Middleton was expecting baby number four began soon after Meghan Markle's pregnancy announcement. The truth is that the rumors most likely started simply because people had the royal fever of babies.

The public who clings to a false belief simply because he wishes it is true is not so rare. A good example is how so many people (and for so long) have constantly kept in touch with rumors that Jennifer Aniston was pregnant – even though she has publicly stated repeatedly that no.

Kate Middleton commented on a baby

The latest rumors of pregnancy are reminiscent of something that Kate Middleton said during a tour of Northern Ireland with her husband. Always friendly, Middleton and Prince William met with the crowd when a small baby caught the attention of the Duchess. She commented that the little boy seemed very kind and asked how old he was. After the father's response, Kate said, "It's so hard that it makes me smolder."

Broody is a British word for a woman who wants more children. Fans around the world relied on this simple statement to prove that Middleton was pregnant or would soon be trying – despite Prince Louis, less than a year old.

But people do too much of this statement. The truth is that the royal family is formed to interact with the public. Obviously, Kate Middleton was doing this by telling a father how good his child was – which would mean a lot coming from a royal mother of three!

There was no official announcement

A big indicator there is do not A fourth child expected for Kate Middleton and Prince William is that there has been no official announcement. Although there are many rules regarding pregnant royal women (for example, never revealing bad before birth), they usually make an official announcement at some point.

If Kate Middleton was obviously pregnant for as long as the rumors persist, she would not just show it, but it is almost certain that an official announcement would have been made.

Kate Middleton does not seem pregnant

As mentioned above, Kate Middleton would be very advanced in her pregnancy, even if she had just discovered herself when the rumors began. This means she should show, especially because women who have already given birth tend to show up a little earlier than mothers for the first time.

Very recently, Middleton was seen without any heavy jackets or other clothing that could conceal a baby bump. She looks as thin and fit as she has never been and certainly does not seem to be pregnant.

Expert in body language says no

A body language expert was recently consulted to determine if Kate Middleton was Meanwhile. The results? Any subtle changes in Middleton's behavior that, according to the body language expert, may have triggered the rumors, can simply be summarized to Prince Louis. The body language expert said that the mother "seemed to be stunned" with her son.

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