Why do some people think Prince Harry has taken a paternity leave to help Meghan Markle?


It seems that no matter what Prince Harry and the Duchess of Susbad have been doing lately, the media are throwing themselves on it to break the rules or be annoying. Meghan, of course, is the target of all critics, even if her rule-boggling behavior seems refreshing from the American point of view.

Now, Harry is suddenly criticized for having decided to take a paternity leave to help Baby Susbad, who will arrive soon. Why Harry gets criticized for this is a little suspicious given his royal precedent. In addition, a law of the United Kingdom allows it to everybody, even to the royal members.

Most of the critics come from the older generation who did not even think about paternity leave decades ago.

Who in the royal family has already taken paternity leave?

Harry's brother, William, took a brief paternity leave when Kate Middleton gave birth to Charlotte in 2015. At that time, William was still training as an ambulance helicopter pilot. even if he had finished early enough to take his leave. Even though the leave is unpaid, we all know that it is not really important in the world of royal finances.

The same goes for Harry, despite older Brits chasing him for following his brother's footsteps. Many older royal critics complain that it is a modern thing and is tantamount to telling young royals to extricate themselves from their lawn.

From the outset, it is logical that former members of the royal family complain about their emotional commitment to a long-standing tradition. What is a little more troubling is that some older Britons still do not accept the fact that today's royals are becoming almost normal people.

Does toxic masculinity pbad through the Queen's spokesperson?

We find it odd that the criticism received comes directly from a Queen's spokesperson for the press. Dickie Arbiter has been working for the Royal Family for decades and made a sarcastic comment on the intergenerational gap in paternity leave.

Coming from within the restricted circle of the Queen, you wonder if she and Philip are of the same opinion about the possibility of being absent from their royal duties. It seems they do not expect Harry to take a lot of time since Arbiter suggests it should only last two to three weeks.

At least he notes that it's up to Harry to decide how long he takes. With the sarcasm involved, we wonder if the royal family is trying to force him to shorten the time he may need to help Meghan through the chaos in the infant media.

Some critics suggest that it is a sign of outdated toxic masculinity that we have seen more than our share of here in America for decades.

We hope that Meghan is not behind the internal critic

Meghan Markle is the first biracial woman to be married at the Windsor House. That's right, there will soon be a royal child with a black grandmother. Racism is alive and royalty does not give you a pbad.https: //t.co/T4V7XH79uV

– Hamilton Spectator (@TheSpec) March 21, 2019

Recently, Dickie Arbiter made another sarcastic comment about whether Harry would feel better about being alone during one of his royal journeys. Many tore up Arbiter for hinting that Harry may not have been happy when Meghan is here.

For some, this also insinuates racial prejudice against Meghan Markle. Even though we may be jumping into the gun, it makes us think of the question of whether Harry would someday someday leave his maternity leave had he married a British Anglo-Saxon.

Because the alpha male character is an important part of royal history, tradition is a difficult thing to break in Britain. That's why the precious time Harry spent with his first child is all the more important to instilling the values ​​he and Meghan continue to share.

Take the time to shape the Baby Susbad ethic

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry, Duke of Susbad and Meghan, Duchess of Susbad | Mark Cuthbert / British Press via Getty Images

It is clear that the old and perhaps somewhat racist conceptions of twentieth-century Britain are still topical, but that will mean that Baby Susbad will be exposed to some of them as a child. Let's hope that Harry takes all the time he needs to make sure his child does not have the extreme influence of this old school.

Most people agree that the Royal Family is now more firmly entrenched and that socially responsible people should continue unabated to the future family of the Windsor family.

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