Why go on leave when "Ghanaians suffer," questions Akufo-Addo | Policy


Ernest Brogya Genfi, former regional organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NCD) for Ashanti Youth, has sentenced President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for "his leave while Ghanaians are suffering.

The President is currently on annual leave which began on Thursday, July 11, 2019.

However, Brogya Genfi contributing to a round table on Peace FM & # 39; s The morning broadcast "Kokrokoo" believes that the president should have stayed to "show that he sympathizes with the fate of Ghanaians".

"Look at the attitude of the president, he went on leave when there are urgent problems … This shows the insensitivity of this government.It should return and fulfill its functions" he opined.

Look at his complete quote below

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