Why not make the keto diet long term


  • The keto diet has become popular as many people claim that it can help lose weight.
  • However, the diet may not be better for long-term health because the eating habits that it promotes can lead to heart rhythm problems.
  • A diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates can also make exercise more difficult.

The ketogenic diet has become popular with people looking to lose weight and improve their health. This involves a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake while increasing the amount of fat and protein you consume. This puts the body in a state called ketosis, where fat is burned to produce energy instead of carbohydrates.

The diet has many fans and it is proven that it can help lose weight by increasing satiety. However, there may be risks in following a ketogenic route for a prolonged period. Although researchers are not sure about the long-term effects of the keto diet, research has been conducted on the long-term effects of consuming diets rich in fats and carbohydrates.

INSIDER has consulted medical experts and nutritionists to find out if there are reasons why you should not stay with the keto diet in the long run.

Long-term carbohydrate reduction has been linked to heart rhythm problems

A new study presented by the American College of Cardiology has linked low carb diets with an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AFib).

The study compared the medical records of nearly 14,000 people over the age of 20 and found that people who take a small percentage of their daily calories in the form of cereals, fruits and starchy vegetables are at a much higher risk. great to develop atrial fibrillation.

This disease makes the heart beat irregularly and places the patient at five times the typical risk of stroke and heart attack.

Although research shows a relationship between carbohydrate intake and AFib, it does not clearly show the causes and effects. Additional research is needed to determine if carbohydrate reduction can have a negative effect on your heart health.

Your ability to exercise may suffer

Without enough carbs, it can be difficult to have the energy needed to exercise.
Andrew Harnik / AP

One of the central principles of the ketogenic diet is that the pbadage of the body's main source of energy, from carbohydrates to fat, constitutes a positive change. In reality, however, this benefit may depend on your degree of activity.

"Biologically, the body prefers to burn carbohydrates as fuel and store fats, especially during periods of physical activity. Indeed, it spends less energy on burning carbohydrates than burning fat," he says. explained to Fine, dietitian Rachel Fine.

If you bring inadequate amounts of carbohydrates to the body, physical performance and exercise capacity can suffer as the body struggles to maintain its energy needs while breaking down fat, explained Fine. This can make you sluggish during workouts and may mean that the keto diet is not a good long-term solution for athletes or people in very physical jobs.

People with gallbladder problems should avoid consuming large amounts of fat for long periods

The gallbladder stores and concentrates the bile, produced by the liver. Bile is essential for fat metabolism. A diet high in fat can aggravate gallbladder disease and can increase the risk of developing GBD.

"Especially if your gall bladder has been surgically removed, you may have trouble digesting all the fat you consume – weight gain, bloating, and other digestive discomforts are the first signs you'll notice with this." said Gittleman.

The symptoms of a gall bladder that does not work well may not be obvious until you increase your fat intake. If you notice digestive issues after limiting carbs and increasing your fat intake, this could be a sign that the keto diet is not a good way for you in the long run.

Being a long-term keto can lead to vitamin deficiencies

Bananas have carbohydrates but are also an excellent source of vitamin B and C.
Reuters / Guillermo Granja

Proponents of a strict keto diet might choose not to consume carbohydrate-rich fruits and vegetables to keep their carbohydrate count in a ketogenic range. Unfortunately, focusing solely on limiting carbohydrates can lead to long-term vitamin deficiencies.

"The keto diet often lacks water-soluble vitamins and can cause deficiencies for prolonged use.These vitamins include all the B vitamins, essential for the health of the nervous system and energy metabolism.Vitamin C is also essential Water – soluble and well-known to support the immune system and healthy skin and hair, "said registered dietitian Cathy Posey INSIDER.

Whole grains, beans, legumes and fruits such as bananas and oranges are rich in vitamins B and C, but can contain a lot of carbohydrates. Options rich in carbohydrates and vitamins include Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, raspberries and blueberries. If you are determined to stay on the long-term keto diet, you can also use vitamin supplements to make sure you get everything you need to stay healthy.

Read more: 10 subtle signs of vitamin deficiency

A long-term keto diet could have a negative impact on your gut and digestion

Many nutrient-rich and high-fiber foods, such as quinoa, beans, lentils, fruits, brown rice and sweet potatoes, are not allowed in keto diets because of their high carbohydrate content. . For many people, excluding foods high in fiber can lead to digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea.

In addition, limiting foods high in carbohydrates such as starchy foods and whole grains may not promote good intestinal health.

"Many keto-restricted herbal foods are good sources of prebiotic fiber Prebiotics feed our probiotics, the beneficial bacteria in our intestines, which is essential for the health of our microbiome, which has proven to be heavily involved in supporting our immune system and reducing inflammation, "dietetician Melissa Mitri told INSIDER.

Eating high-fat foods can compromise your long-term health

There is a difference between "good" and "bad" fat.

All fats are not created equal. Unfortunately, some people may think that the ketogenic diet focuses on high-fat foods as a free way to adopt bad eating habits, such as excessive consumption of processed meats and saturated fats.

"Many people go on a keto diet without worrying about the type of fat they consume.All fats are high in calories, but saturated fats and trans fats increase the" bad "LDL cholesterol in your blood and can cause plaque build-up in your blood arteries, "said Fine.

Posey also told INSIDER that people who follow a keto diet often do not make enough effort to eat fats beneficial to the brain and cardiovascular health or to choose unrefined or unprocessed fats. This may mean that sticking to a long-term keto diet can actually increase your risk of cardiovascular problems or high cholesterol levels if you do not eat the right types of foods.

Read more: There is a big difference between good and bad fat – here's how to choose the best healthy fats for the heart

Instead of consuming large amounts of saturated fats such as butter, ghee, palm oil, coconut oil and bacon fat, people who diet can consider focusing on unsaturated fats such as those contained in avocados, nuts, olive oil and fish. When done properly, there is evidence that the keto diet can improve cardiovascular health.

You may not want to use the long-term keto diet if you have a history of pancreatitis or elevated triglycerides

The ketogenic diet usually involves replacing carbohydrates from low-fat sources, such as grains, fruits and vegetables, with more fat from plant and animal sources. This means that people with health problems related to fat consumption should avoid following the keto diet, especially in the long term.

"A high level of triglycerides circulating in the blood for a prolonged period can lead to acute pancreatitis.The high-fat keto diet is a known cause of acute pancreatitis because it causes an increase in circulating fat", author and Nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., told INSIDER.

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