Why princess Anne's sisters and Sarah Ferguson of Prince Andrew did not get along


Sarah Ferguson's quarrel with Prince Philip is well documented, but even before this scandalous hullabaloo and his divorce from Prince Andrew, she did not have a good relationship with another royal: Princess Anne. Things between them got so bad once Fergie was left in tears.

This is why the royal ladies did not hear and what other princess was not a fan of Fergie either and had refused to accept a gift from the government. duchess.

Sarah Ferguson and Princess Anne
Sarah Ferguson and Princess Anne | Tim Graham / Getty Images

Why Princess Anne and Sarah Ferguson did not hear

Although Fergie's icy relations with her former father-in-law are well known, few people know that she and her former sister-in-law did not get along.

Andrew's eldest sister apparently never approved of the Duchess nor accepted her into the family. The Express noted that during lunch, the Royal Princess had outright labeled Fergie "outsider".

David Leigh, co-author of The Duchess of York uncensored This comment led to "a furious quarrel between Andrew and Anne. Fergie came out of the room in tears. Andrew asked Anne s & # 39; excusewhat she did, but after this There was a very, very frozen relationship between Fergie and Anne. "

Why another princess did not like Fergie either

Sarah Ferguson and Princess Margaret | Tim Graham / Getty Images

There was another princess who was not a fan of the duchess especially after the end of his marriage with Prince Andrew. Like Philip, the sister of the queen, the princess Margarand, felt that Fergie embarrbaded the royal family with its scandals and its inability to keep its name safe from the tabloids.

Although Ferguson tried to regain the princess's good graces by sending her a bouquet of flowers, it was useless because Margaret refused to forgive him and was furious that Fergie sent them to him. Royal journalist Judy Wade spoke about it in the documentary Fergie: Fall of the Duchess.

"The Duchess of York had sent flowers to Princess Margaret with a note," Wade explained. "And the flowers had been sent back with a note from Princess Margaret saying," How dare you to send me flowers. Have you ever considered the damage you caused to the royal family? "

Margaret never made amends with Ferguson and died on February 9, 2002.

What is the relationship between Ferguson and Prince Andrew today

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson
Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson | Instagram via RoyallyFergie

Despite the fierce relationship between Fergie and some members of the royal family, she and her ex-husband remained close even after their divorce. was finalizing in 1996. In fact, the two still live together at the Royal Lodge in Windsor Great Park.

Because Andrew and Ferguson were photographed attending several events together and stayed in so good terms, many think that they would like to remarry. However, given the feeling that some members of the royal family still have about him, this will probably not happen, but the Duke and Duchess of York seem perfectly satisfied with the current state of their relationship and said that they were the "happiest divorced couple in the world".

Read more: Does the daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Anne, have a higher net worth than her brothers?

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