Wikipedia in several countries in protest against EU law


Wikipedia fell on at least three countries on Wednesday to protest against a vote by the European Parliament on a highly contested law that could make online platforms legally responsible for copyrighted content posted online by lawmakers. users.

and Poland, an explanatory statement of protest about the upcoming vote was published when the online encyclopedia of the usual web page about some celebrity, legal case or historical event that the users had been looking for.

"Directive would threaten freedom online" If the proposal was approved in its current version, actions like news sharing on social networks or access to news via a search engine would be more new filters, barriers and restrictions to access the web "complicated on the Internet."

He added that Wikipedia would be "at risk" and asked users to phone their MEPs.

The redesign of European copyright is divided into several ons, including the reform criticized by Wikipedia and others who warned that it would lead to general censorship by technology giants .

Another reform would force online platforms such as Google and Facebook to pay for links to news. The European Commission responded that "Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias would not fall within the scope of the Commission's copyright proposal".

But Wikipedia's leader, Jimmy Wales, and Green MEP Julia Reda, a leading activist on this issue, insists that she will do it

The Parliament's vote n & nbsp; Is not definitive, but only the negotiating position of MEPs

. Austria, which has just badumed the six-month rotating presidency of the EU, said it will be diff The leader of the Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, and Green MEP Julia Reda , a leading activist on this issue, insist that the site should fall within the framework of the European Parliament's new copyright law proposal.

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