Will Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton become best friends after all?


Kate Middleton has been an integral part of Prince William's life since graduation. When the two finally married in 2011, it seems that his popularity has exploded.

A few years later, Prince Harry was suddenly involved in a serious relationship with American actress Meghan Markle, putting the world at its best. We had a quick look at the cover of one of the most incredible royal weddings to date. It seemed like Meghan was about to start living the ultimate fairy tale, marry a prince, live in a palace and be part of one of the world's most famous families.

In addition, most of us thought that Meghan and Kate would become inseparable, tied around the royal life and spent their free time together. Although this did not happen at the beginning, there is still time. Will Kate and Meghan become best friends after all?

Rumors of a royal feud

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Meghan, Duchess of Susbad | Samir Hussein / WireImage

Over the last year, we have heard so many rumors about a quarrel between the two duchesses that it has become difficult to keep the thread. There have been countless explanations for the possible tensions between Meghan and Kate, some claiming that the more reserved Duchess of Cambridge could not handle the strong personality of her new sister-in-law, and others were going to until they were not even in spoken terms.

Things got so much worse, in fact, that the real quarrel was between Harry and William and that the Duke and Duchess of Susbad were settling in Windsor, the two couples could not bear to live near one another. on the other. . Fortunately, these rumors are starting to fade, as we have seen Meghan and Kate interact and hear each other.

Has Meghan's celebrity status hindered?

As we all know, Meghan was famous long before he met Prince Harry. Kate, meanwhile, was known as a "commoner", from a hard-working family who had met William at the University of St. Andrews. Some people may have thought that Meghan's celebrity status was causing problems between the two, at least in the beginning.

With time, we realize that this is certainly not the case, since Kate is not the kind of person to be jealous of anyone.

Different personalities

Like everyone in the world, Meghan and Kate have different personalities. Meghan is frank and has strong convictions. She also has a circle of famous friends, most of whom attended her baby shower in New York a few months ago.

In comparison, Kate is much quieter than Harry's wife. As a future queen, she knows that she is watched more closely and must behave in a certain way, without ever going against what the royal life dictates. Meghan is a well known bender of the rules.

Can both become best friends after all?

Now that Meghan has officially entered the world of motherhood, she and Kate have something wonderful to create. The birth of baby Archie Harrison has the potential to bring the two duchesses closer together and it is likely that they will talk more and spend more time together.

Kate even visited Frogmore Cottage in Meghan shortly before she gave birth, proving that their relationship was becoming even stronger.

The friendship of Meghan and Kate may be able to reach new heights and, even though they may not become better friends than everyone hoped, they will get closer over time.

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