Will Meghan Markle still be a bigger celebrity than other members of the royal family?


Meghan Markle has completely changed the dynamics of the royal family when she married Prince Harry almost a year ago. Suddenly, England had a duchess who was not afraid to bow to the rules of dress, being with her friends and showing affection for her new husband.

The world loves the Duchess of Susbad, which is evident when she is photographed wherever she goes. While we also admire other members of the royal family, fans can not help but wonder if Meghan will always be a bigger celebrity than other members of the royal family?

Meghan is known in the world of acting

We must first take into account the fact that Meghan has become famous in the world of action games. His father, Thomas Markle, father, was director of lighting of the popular show Married with children and his daughter often accompanied him to the stage. After graduating from college, Meghan began accepting small roles and finally had a huge chance when she landed the role of Rachel Zane in the legal drama. Suit. Meghan had many fans long before she was summoned to a blind meeting with Prince Harry.

Many other family members were commoners

Those who married in the royal family in recent years, such as Kate Middleton and Sarah Ferguson, were considered "commoners". Princess Diana, meanwhile, was born into a family of British nobility. commoner, she certainly did not come from a Hollywood background like Meghan. Kate, on the other hand, has known fame simply through her relationship with Prince William and, although the public admires her a great deal, she is not considered a "celebrity" as much as she is the future queen of England.

Meghan has a group of celebrity friends

Although Kate Middleton certainly has friends with whom she is close, most of her friends do not really have links with Hollywood. Those who do it, she learned after her wedding in the royal family. Meghan is a close friend of famous personalities, such as Priyanka Chopra, Serena Williams, George and Amal Clooney.

Meghan in the spotlight

Having spent most of her career in front of the camera, Meghan does not fear the spotlight. The camera likes it and she knows it because she has done photo shoots and created videos in the past. She has done many interviews throughout her career, appeared in magazines and was even responsible for the cause in the series. Deal or No Deal.

Most royals follow a strict set of rules

The Queen has certain expectations of members of the Royal Family and they do their best to comply with her wishes. Although Meghan does not defy what the queen asks of her, she tends to bring her personal touch to the way she leads her royal life. She may not always follow the dress codes to perfection and she even went to New York for a baby shower with a group of her celebrity friends. It's something that most other family members would never consider doing, but as we've said, Meghan likes to do things in his own way!

Will Meghan still be a bigger celebrity than other members of the royal family?

Chances are, she's fine. Given her connections to the world of celebrities, her close ties and her deep convictions, Meghan Markle will probably still be a bigger celebrity than other members of the royal family. This certainly does not mean that we do not like other members of the royal family, nor do we love Meghan! His celebrity status simply comes from his past and his glory before becoming king.

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