Will Prince William catch infant fever in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?


Welcoming a new baby is an exciting time in the life of any family, even the royal family. As we all know, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have had an exciting year. They first married during a lavish ceremony at Windsor Castle, then announced that they were expecting their first child.

For months, millions of fans have officially watched baby, wondering if Meghan and Harry would welcome a boy or a girl, what would be the name of the new baby and even would he be known as a prince or a princess. .

Now that baby Archie Harrison has finally arrived, the world could not be happier for new parents. Meghan described the early stages of motherhood as a "dream" and Harry looks absolutely delighted. There is no doubt that the rest of the family is also on the moon, including Harry's brother and sister-in-law, Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Although they already have parents of three adorable children, the arrival of Archie led us to wonder if Prince William was going to catch Harry and Meghan's baby fever. We will take a look.

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Louis of Cambridge | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

It all started with Prince George

Little Prince George is the first of Cambridge's children. He was born on July 22, 2013. William and Kate emerged on the steps of the Lindo wing holding the future king. It was therefore obvious that they would be wonderful parents.

It was as expected over the next few months, when we saw photos of William and Kate interacting with their young son, filling him with love and affection as they saw him. grow and explore the world.

A princess followed

It was not long before rumors broke out that Kate was expecting her second child. Soon, the palace confirmed the news and, suddenly, we saw much less Kate, because she was suffering from a severe form of morning sickness that limited her ability to perform her royal duties.

Fortunately, the months pbaded quickly and the royal fans celebrated the birth of a new princess, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, of Cambridge.

William and Kate did not stop at two

Some fans may have thought that William and Kate were destined to have only two children. However, we began to see subtle signs that indicated that another royal was en route.

Kate came out with a new haircut and, again, she was not seen as often as she did before. We quickly learned that a third royal baby was en route and on April 23, 2018, Prince Louis made his debut in the world.

Meghan and Harry become parents

It's no surprise that Meghan and Harry have not wasted time welcoming their first child. The prince is wonderful with the children, expressing his desire to become a parent even before meeting Meghan.

On the birth day of baby Archie, it was heartening to hear the new father describe his son as being "to die for" and, even though he was running only a few hours of sleep, he was sporting One of the biggest bright smiles we have ever seen.

Will Prince William catch baby fever?

Time will tell us! Apparently, the infantile fever is not reserved for women, because science shows that men can also contract it. Now that he is officially an uncle, Prince William might well wish that another newborn baby brings home to the palace. Just like his younger brother, Wills is great with kids and he and Kate are loving and dedicated parents.

As we all know, there is enough room for another little boy, and we would like to see another royal addition if that actually corresponds to the wishes of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

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