William Barr will give Congress a redacted version of the Mueller report by mid-April | American News


The Congress will receive a redacted version of Robert Mueller's Trump-Russia report by mid-April and it is not expected that Donald Trump will add his own changes, US Attorney General William Barr announced on Friday.

But Barr said that he intended to censor part of the report in order to protect the privacy and reputations of some of the people mentioned, thus creating a likely confrontation with Democrats who demanded the complete document .

In a letter to the chairmen of the Judiciary Committees of the Senate and the House, Bar stated that the full report of the special council contained nearly 400 pages, excluding tables and appendices.

The Attorney General stated that it would blacken certain sections that could reveal information about the grand jury, confidential information, harm other investigations or "unduly undermine privacy and reputation" of some people.

This last point may increase Democrats' concerns that Barr intends to conceal the wrongdoing by people around Trump who have not resulted in criminal charges.

Barr stated that Trump had the right to claim executive privilege over parts of the report, but that the President had announced his intention to file it with the Attorney General.

"[A]As a result, it is not intended to submit the report to the White House for a privilege review, "said Barr.

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The Attorney General's letter by The Guardian on Scribd


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