Wilson agrees to Bournemouth with a new agreement until 2023


Callum Wilson signed a new four-year contract to end the speculation that he could leave Bournemouth.

The English striker Wilson had been linked to Chelsea and West Hambut has now embarked on his future in cherries until 2023.

And Wilson, who scored 58 goals in 148 appearances Since arriving in Coventry City in 2014, there is still a lot to come.

"We have progressed in all areas since joining the club, but there is still a long way to goWilson told the Bournemouth club's website.

"Although Bournemouth can be considered a small club, we really great ambitions here. Everyone is pulling in the same direction towards these goals and targets. I feel like an individual, my game is constantly improving here at the club. I want to continue in this direction and reach even more ambitious goals. I am really excited by what the future holds for us. "

July 12, 2019

Bournemouth defender Nathan Ake was also linked to a move, but Chief Executive Neill Blake is determined to keep the Bournemouth stars.

"Throughout his stay at the club, Callum has demonstrated incredible determination to succeed at the highest level – even in the face of adversity in the form of two end-of-season injuries, "added Blake.

"It has proven itself as a Premier League forward and is now starting to establish itself at the international level, and this contract is only a reward for that. We have no desire to lose our best players and this is further evidence of the Board of Directors' commitment to ensuring that Bournemouth continues to progress year by year. "

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