Woman abducts 9-month-old baby one day after release from prison | Social


Central region police are participating in the hunt for the man of a 33-year-old woman, a former detainee, who reportedly abducted a nine-month-old baby from the parents of Agona Swedru.

Patricia Gordoh was released from Nsawam Prison last Saturday after serving a year for committing a similar offense and then removed the baby from a church.

She would have known Sunday morning with the father of the child, James Ayesu, Chief Pastor of the Salvation House prayer ministry.

According to Chief Inspector Philip Arthur of the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit of the police in Agona Swedru, the suspect went to the pastor's home on Sunday, June 9 and s & d. Is presented as a native of Akyem Etwereso, whose pastor is also from. .

Gordoh, according to the police, offered to join the pastor and his family for Sunday morning service at their church.

After the religious service, the suspect, then known to the family, abducted the baby and his seven-year-old sister from their parents on the pretext of buying food for them.

The suspect reportedly went to the Agona Swedru truck station where she allegedly left the seven-year-old girl and left with the baby.

Chief Inspector Arthur told 3news.com that the couple were coming home only to find that their two children had not returned, forcing them to look for them.

Finally, he said, the seven-year-old girl was found at the truck station without the baby and the suspect.

The case was therefore reported to the police and preliminary investigations revealed that Gordoh had been sentenced in 2018 to one year in prison for committing a similar offense to Akyem Oda in the eastern region.

He added that Gordoh was released from Nsawam prison on Saturday, June 8th.

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