Women in PR holds its third annual summit


Emmanuel Todd, RNG

Accra, June 7, GNA – Women in Public
Relations (PR) Ghana, a professional platform created for women from
Communications and Media Sector, held its third annual summit over the weekend.

The event brought together senior citizens
professionals in the sector to share their experience and pbad on their knowledge to
future professionals and students in the sector.

The summit was held under the theme:
"Collaborate, inspire, direct" and the interactive style of the
deliberations, gave participants the opportunity to get closer to the resources
as they approached various topics.

Topics covered included:
"The Next Generation of PR Woman", "Promotion of Strategies
collaboration in the digital age "," Put entrepreneurship in
PR "," The relevance of social media and organizational context in public relations
management "and" Apply Emotional Intelligence to Leadership ".

Ms. Faith Senam Ocloo, Founder of Women in PR
(WiPR) Ghana, said the summit should create a platform for women in public
relationships to build relationships, learn, coach and share with each other to drive growth
in their respective organizations.

She told the PR women in the digital age
need new methods to improve productivity and growth in

Ms. Adiki O. Ayitey, Vice President,
Sustainability and external relations, Newmont Goldcorp Africa, said to be
success in this sector, it is necessary to collaborate.

"You have to build a team to work
with the common goal of achieving your goals, "she added, adding
that for collaborations to be effective and fruitful, there is the
need to take into account the following key concepts: support, teamwork, communication,
trust, motivation, inspiration.

Mr. Gabriel Opoku-Asare, head of the company,
Region Africa Diageo PLC, said the woman of public relations was the eye of the organization,
ability to badyze, anticipate and advise management in its decision
manufacturing process.

Sophia Lissa, group leader,
Communication, Jaspong Group of Companies, said that it was necessary for the PR
woman to also demonstrate entrepreneurial skills to bridge the gap in this
digital age.

She said that entrepreneurs are mostly people
pbadionate about their work, taking risks, focused on solutions
who challenged the status quo and did not take a no for an answer.

The section of the event
deliberated on "emotional intelligence and leadership" with resource people
such as; Cynthia Ofori-Dwumfou, Ogilvy Public Relations Ghana; Emma Wenani, Chief Director
Global Media Alliance; Ms. Baaba Cofie, Public Relations Consultant, MahoganyConsult; and
Dr. Eric Rhiney, president of the management department of Webster University.


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