Women with the most deadly breast cancer could be saved after a simple test discovered by scientists


Women with the most deadly type of bad cancer have hope through a simple test that indicates whether they will respond to treatment.

"Triple negative" bad cancer, more common in women under 40 years of age and affecting more than 8,000 women each year in the UK, is so aggressive that it can survive chemotherapy.

About a third of women see standard chemotherapy fail and cancer recurs within three years.

However, scientists have discovered a test that identifies these women to give them a different type of chemotherapy that may work better.

The test is for a protein called NUP98, which could activate genes that help cancer cells survive chemotherapy.

It can be found using a simple bad tissue biopsy, the results being accessible to physicians within 24 hours.

Women with the most lethal type of bad cancer - triple negative - have hope thanks to a simple test that indicates whether they will respond to treatment

Women with the most lethal type of bad cancer – triple negative – have hope thanks to a simple test that indicates whether they will respond to treatment

Women with high protein are 10 times more likely to return to cancer, increasing their risk of death, and are less than half as likely to benefit from standard chemotherapy, found researchers who examined the results obtained for more than 500 women.

They say the test may be available to women in the next decade, following the first five-year trial of bad cancer patients.

Dr. Niamh Buckley, head of bad cancer studies at Queen's University in Belfast, said, "We know that triple negative bad cancer is a very aggressive form of the disease.

"For women who have been diagnosed, we want to adapt their treatment to give them the best possible chance of survival.

"We hope that this test will help us identify women who should receive another form of chemotherapy and may prevent bad cancer from re-appearing at home, saving their lives."

About one in seven bad cancer is triple negative, which means that it is negative for the "receptors" of the cancer cells that receive the signal to divide.

Other types of bad cancer, such as bad cancer "positive estrogen receptors," can be treated with miracle drugs, such as tamoxifen, which damage the mechanisms allowing cells to multiply .

But women with triple negative bad cancer do not have such drugs, which means that surgery and chemotherapy are their only chance of survival. That's why it's so important that standard chemotherapy, which uses drugs called anthracyclines, works.

The recently discovered test, reported in BMC Cancer, could help identify one in three women for whom this type of chemotherapy will not work.

It supports women with high levels of NUP98, which blocks chemotherapy aimed at destroying cancer cells by destroying their DNA.

The functioning of the protein is not well understood, but it could activate genes that repair DNA damage or help cancer cells survive by blocking the signal that kills them when they are damaged.

If these women can be distinguished, they may be treated more likely to work so that their cancer does not return or spread to the liver or brain and end up in the terminal phase.

They can use a different type of chemotherapy, for example a type using drugs called "taxanes" to prevent the division of cancer cells.

The test, which uses bad tissue from more than 100 women with triple-negative bad cancer and has been confirmed with the help of a database of 450 other patients, uses a substance that reacts with NUP98.

The protein is labeled with a brown dye in a female bad tissue sample, so that it can be easily spotted in the laboratory.

Women with high, rather than low, NUP98 rates are seven to ten times more likely to return to bad cancer after chemotherapy.

Baroness Delyth Morgan, Executive Director of Breast Cancer Now, who funded the study, said, "This is a very promising discovery. It is truly encouraging that testing for the NUP98 level may help ensure patients the type of chemotherapy most likely to be effective for them as soon as possible. & # 39;


Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world. Every year in the UK, there are more than 55,000 new cases and the disease kills 11,500 women. In the United States, it hits 266,000 each year and kills 40,000. But what is the cause and how can it be treated?

What is bad cancer?

Breast cancer develops from a cancer cell that grows in the wall of a cbad or lobule in one of the bads.

When bad cancer has spread to surrounding bad tissue, it is called "invasive" bad cancer. In situ carcinoma is diagnosed in some people, where no cancer cells have developed beyond the cbad or lobule.

Most cases develop in women over 50, but younger women are sometimes affected. Breast cancer can develop in men although this is rare.

Cancer cells are clbadified from stage one, which means slow growth, up to stage four, which is the most aggressive.

What causes bad cancer?

A cancerous tumor starts from an abnormal cell. The exact reason a cell becomes cancerous is not clear. Something is thought to damage or alter certain genes in the cell. This makes the cell abnormal and multiplies "out of control".

Although bad cancer may develop for no apparent reason, some risk factors, such as genetics, may increase the risk of developing bad cancer.

What are the symptoms of bad cancer?

The first usual symptom is a painless mbad in the bad, although most bad nodules are not cancerous and are fluid-filled cysts, which are benign.

The first place where bad cancer usually spreads is the lymph nodes of the armpit. If this happens, you will develop swelling or lumpiness in the armpit.

How is bad cancer diagnosed?

  • Initial badessment: A doctor examines the bads and armpits. They can do tests like a mammogram, a special x-ray of bad tissue that can indicate the possibility of tumors.
  • Biopsy: A biopsy involves taking a small sample of tissue from one part of the body. The sample is then examined under a microscope to look for abnormal cells. The sample can confirm or exclude cancer.

If your bad cancer is confirmed, you may need to undergo further tests to determine if it has spread. For example, blood tests, an ultrasound of the liver or a chest x-ray.

How is bad cancer treated?

Treatment options that may be considered include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy. A combination of two or more of these treatments is often used.

  • Surgery: Breast surgery conservative or bad removal achieved depending on the size of the tumor.
  • Radiation therapy: treatment that uses high energy radiation beams focused on the cancerous tissue. This kills cancer cells or prevents their multiplication. It is mainly used in addition to surgery.
  • Chemotherapy: treatment of cancer using anticancer drugs that kill cancer cells or prevent them from multiplying.
  • Hormonal Treatments: Some types of bad cancer are affected by estrogen, a "female" hormone, that can stimulate the division and multiplication of cancer cells. Treatments that reduce the level of these hormones or prevent them from functioning are commonly used in people with bad cancer.

What is the success of the treatment?

The prospects are better in people diagnosed when the cancer is still small and has not spread. Surgical removal of a tumor at an early stage can then give good chances of healing.

Routine mammograms offered to women aged 50 to 70 years mean that more bad cancers are diagnosed and treated at an early stage.

For more information, visit badcancercare.org.uk or www.cancerhelp.org.uk

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