Workers plan to "hammer" workers by cutting tax breaks to spend more on benefits


LABOR plans to "hammer" workers by cutting tax benefits and spending more on benefits, it was revealed yesterday.

Ghost Chancellor John McDonnell wants to give up the non-taxable personal allowance, which accounts for up to £ 2,500 a year of payroll.

    The Chancellor Ghost John McDonnell wants to give up the personal allowance free of tax
The Chancellor Ghost John McDonnell wants to give up the personal allowance free of tax

As part of a reform under review, this money would help finance a welfare scheme of £ 48 per week for all.

He insists that he will put more money in people's pockets.

But last night, the Conservatives warned that 1.74 million workers among the poorest should pay an income tax for the first time.

This would also result in thousands of people becoming wealthier in taxing at higher rates and adding at least £ 128 billion to the welfare bill.

Mr McDonnell, who has promised not to raise the income tax of people earning less than £ 80,000, supported the changes proposed by the New Economics Foundation.

If the non-taxable allowance was removed, the lowest rate (20%) would apply, hitting each worker earning more than £ 12,500 with an additional £ 2,500 bill.

The careless plan of workers gives with one hand and takes away from the other, imposing on each worker a higher tax bill while mbadively inflating our welfare bill.

Elizabeth Truss, Chief Secretary of the Treasury

Workers earning less than £ 10,000 a year would see their tax bill go from zero to £ 2,000.

Those earning an average salary of £ 29,832 are expected to face a 58% increase from £ 3,466 to £ 5,966.

The threshold for higher-rate taxpayers would also increase from 50,000 to 37,500 pounds, which would attract thousands of others, including teachers and police officers, to 40%.

Treasure Secretary General Elizabeth Truss said, "It would be a staggering tax bomb from the Labor Party, hitting every single worker in the country.

"The careless plan of workers gives one hand to another and takes away from the other, imposing on each worker a higher tax bill while mbadively inflating our welfare bill.

"It shows exactly why Jeremy Corbyn's Labor team can never be trusted for our economy. Only the Conservatives will continue to keep taxes low for hard workers. "

Yesterday, the non-taxable personal allowance was raised to £ 12,500, which means that an average employee will pay £ 1,205 less in taxes each year compared to 2010.

A spokesman for McDonnell said last night: "Although this proposal is not a Labor Party policy, only the unintelligent and incompetent conservatives could turn an idea of ​​putting more books in people's pockets into one. "bomb".

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