World War 3 Alert: Russia warns US against support for Israeli Golan Heights claim | World | New


Trump announced his support for the disputed region with an unexpected gesture from the president. Despite Trump's categorical tweet, the Russian legislator has already rejected the decision announced during Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to Jerusalem. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu insisted that any attempt to confirm Israeli claims on the territory would only "lead to more violence".

In his bold tweet, Trump said, "After 52 years, it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is critically important both strategically and in terms of security for the state of Israel and regional stability! "

The territory was seized in Syria following the Six Day War of 1967 and was unofficially annexed by the country in 1981.

Although it is not an official annexation, the region has adopted Israeli laws and jurisdiction.

In response to Trump's message, Russian MP Oleg Morzov said: "Russia will never agree to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan.

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"Trump harms the international community and the Arab world."

While ISIS is on the verge of defeat, clashes between Israel and Syria have again taken the limelight.

Earlier this year, Israel and Iran entered the war dangerously as they traded in the disputed region.

Israeli forces forcibly bombarded Iranian targets in Syria after conducting diurnal attacks near Damascus.

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Israeli air strikes come after Iranian forces fired missiles on Israel.

Mr Morzov also added that Trump's gesture was "a blow to Syria and its partnership with Russia".

Turkey, which supports Syrian territorial integrity, initially supported the United States at the beginning of the Syrian crisis, but moved further away from the United States because of its divergent positions vis-à-vis the United States. to Bashir al-Assad.

Mr Cavusoglu added: "Attempts by the United States to legitimize Israel's actions against international law will only engender more violence and suffering in the region. "

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