Worst nutty snack, says dietitian


Humans are going crazy for nuts.

Perhaps the most versatile food, we use nuts in a range of dishes and even as a crisp topping for desserts and healthy sides, from bowls of vanilla ice cream to fruity salads! Nuts can also be enjoyed on their own as a sweet or savory snack. For example, you might munch on a handful of salted peanuts at a baseball game in the summer months, but crave a honey-roasted variety in the winter.

However you choose to eat them, nuts can be incorporated into your diet in several ways – as a semi-decorative embellishment of a meal or on their own as a high protein boost are just two examples!

RELATED: This New Study Just Uncovered the # 1 Weight Loss Lie About Eating Nuts

The ability of nuts to enhance a variety of dishes isn’t their only strength. Besides the fact that they are very versatile, there are so many varieties of nuts to choose from, and they all vary in flavor and texture. From common types, such as almonds and cashews, to lesser-known ones, such as baru and pili, when it comes to choosing the one that will work best for your weekly meal prep, you have the option. choice.

mixed nuts

With so much to choose from, it’s easy to get lost in finding the nutritional value of each nut. After speaking with a healthcare professional, we determined the most unhealthy nut to snack on, along with two finalists, and it might surprise you.

You’ve probably heard rumors that cashews have an extremely high fat content (they make up about 12 grams of total fat per 1 ounce serving), but they weren’t even on the list of. our experts on the three worst nuts. It turns out, as we reported earlier, that cashews are actually a pretty stellar option.

Victoria Glass, MD, of the Farr Institute, explains that pine nuts and macadamia are the two nuts to limit consumption, adding that they are the second and third least healthy nut options, respectively.

“As much as pine nuts have nutritional value, they cause pine nut syndrome which leaves a bitter, metallic taste in the mouth for months,” she says. When it comes to macadamia nuts, his only complaint is that “they have a very high fat and calorie count.”

While Glass advises nut lovers to watch their portion control on pine and macadamia nuts, she doesn’t consider it the worst nut either. TThe worst nut to snack on, she says, is also one of the most common: peanuts.

“Peanuts are exposed to aflatoxin, a fungus associated with liver cancer,” she adds. For the background, aflatoxin is a toxic by-product of a type of mold that falls within the species Aspergillus. However, as the National Peanut Board points out, peanuts may be more likely to be exposed to the toxin when produced in parts of Africa and Asia, and not in the United States.

Besides the potential threat that peanuts can pose to your liver health, the nut can cause discomfort and even be fatal for some if consumed. As anyone who struggles with any type of peanut aversion probably knows, nuts “can also cause severe allergic reactions in some people,” says Glass.

So while peanuts are packed with protein and, compared to other snacks, are a relatively healthy option, there are a few things to consider when walking through the nut aisle.

Now, be sure to check out the best nuts to eat for reducing inflammation, according to a dietitian. So, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter!

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