Would Meghan Markle have a serious risk of having a child at home?


Since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced that they were expecting a baby, the world is looking forward to receiving any news of the new royal baby. Markle has attracted attention for everything from her clbady pregnancy style to her utterly natural approach to childbirth.

While the royal couple did not really reveal much to the public about her birth plans, a new report suggests that Meghan Markle could take a unique approach to bringing her baby into the world. But, are there additional risks?

Markle prefers to keep things natural

Long before her marriage to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle was known for both her love of health and well-being and her acting skills. Markle likes to stick with organic food and keep her busy, as well as her husband's fridge, with the healthiest treats. She also knows the importance of staying active and practicing yoga, which she knows well, since her mother is a yoga teacher.

Pregnancy tires many women and fails to meet the challenge of walking, let alone exercise regularly. Markle definitely does not seem confused by the struggles of pregnancy and travels the world for her royal duties even as her baby grows bigger and bigger. Markle's holistic approach to pregnancy includes baby crib equipment in the finest materials, including, it seems, eucalyptus-impregnated vegan paints to promote relaxation and calm.

How did Kate give birth?

Although Meghan Markle is for the first time pregnant, her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, is a professional. The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to three children since her marriage to Prince William. She probably advises Markle a lot on everything from birth to return to work.

It seems that at least once Markle's experience with childbirth can be very different from Middleton's. Kate Middleton gave birth to her three children at St. Mary's Hospital, in an exclusive and more private area called Lindo Wing. According to a new report, Meghan Markle is currently planning a delivery at home, thus avoiding the use of Queen's doctors to give birth.

Would a birth at home be safe for Markle?

Home births are a relatively popular choice in the United States and also in the United Kingdom. They are not unprecedented in the royal family either, as Queen Elizabeth gave birth to her four children, either at her home in Buckingham Palace or in her smaller home, Clarence House. Although home births are gaining popularity, there are some misconceptions about the process. Many people still think that home births are dangerous, but home births are in fact very minimal risks and in many ways they can be considered safer than hospital deliveries.

One of the positive aspects of being born at home is reducing the risk of infection. Giving birth to the hospital means that the mother and the baby are surrounded by hundreds of other people, some with diseases or other problems that can affect the immune system. Birth at home could mean that the mother is less stressed at the time of delivery, knowing that she will be in a safe and familiar place.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Samir Hussein / Samir Hussein / WireImage

There are only a few cases where birth at home is not recommended. These situations include high-risk pregnancies, serious complications of pregnancy or multiples borne by the mother. Of course, if Markle decided to give birth at home and ended up having complications during labor, she would be immediately transferred to a hospital for close supervision. In the end, many women choose home births because they wish to have more freedom in their delivery route. For a person like Meghan Markle, subject to scrutiny from the public, it makes every sense that she wants to keep her childbirth experience as private and personal as possible.

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