Would Prince William really have an affair with Kate Middleton's best friend?


Windsor rumors sometimes straddle the line where many US residents can not say what is completely manufactured and what is possible. Then you have other occasional rumors stretching all credulity. When it comes to a possible deal, there seems to be enough precedent where some people think it might be true.

A recent story about an aristocratic British band, Turnip Toffs, evoked a ludicrous idea that Prince William might have an affair with a former friend of Kate Middleton.

We want to be purveyors of truth, so let's rediscover what is likely to be true or false in this story.

How did this crazy rumor start?

Apparently, the dynamic between Kate and her long-time friend, Rose Hanbury, has become "tense," with no one realizing "how things came to" https://t.co/GRFrwI4r5P

– VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) March 31, 2019

One of the sources of this case concerning Prince William comes from Celebitchy.com, even if they only mention external sources. According to them, it all started when Kate apparently avoided Rose Hanbury (Marquise de Cholmondeley) from their secret band Turnip Toffs. Nobody really knows why Kate banished Hanbury from the band, but the latest was apparently one of Kate's best friends before their break.

William would then have tried to clean up the story when rumors began about a possible affair between him and Hanbury. This story was already dubious until a prominent critic and kitchen critic in Britain was supposed to tell the story about this business on Twitter.

This food critic has only one problem: he is not recognized for his ethics.

Who is Giles Cohen?

It's a bit strange to talk about Turnip Toffs, because it's like being in a secret society that very few of them have the secret in the UK. One may wonder how foreigners really know what is going on there.

Giles Cohen is already well known in Britain and also reports on the royal family on the occasion. In his recent response to a question about the situation, someone told him that everyone was aware of Prince William's case. At the same time, he was also very vague and changed the subject, making it difficult to tell if he knew anything real or he was just brazen.

He suppressed the tweet shortly after, probably knowing what type of lawsuit or other uprising he could bring. Assuming there is a core of truth about this, what can we say about William's past experience in similar situations?

The psychological aspects of the affairs of Charles and Diana

According to some information, in recent years, Diana reportedly told young William one of his belongings. Maybe he knew and understood everything that was happening in his youth, which could easily have upset his world psychologically.

On the other hand, it might have scared William enough, who had vowed never to do the same thing and ruin his family. When you badociate a reality with this new business rumor, it does not help to take into account its proximity to Kate and their three children.

Others might still think that being a royal means means that business continues without consequence because of wealth and power. Be that as it may, the public appearances of William and Kate are probably slightly different from what is happening in the spotlight. This is not to say that William would risk everything for a quick deal, especially at a time when the news can spread in minutes.

So, will we really know why Kate wants William to gradually eliminate Rose Hanbury (and her husband)?

There could be many reasons why Kate took these steps

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince William and Kate Middleton | Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Complicating this story is that Hanbury and her husband (David Rocksavage) were close neighbors to Kate and William. They even had double appointments together, which looks like a perfect chaotic setup coming out of the Kardashian scandal house.

A long list of reasons could explain why Kate wanted Hanbury and Rocksavage removed from their lives. When you are as close to people, you can sometimes discover many problems that you did not understand during your first meeting.

Those who study Prince William since childhood, however, reject the idea of ​​a case based simply on not wanting to repeat the mistakes of his parents.

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