Would you buy a Huawei phone now?


Huawei has dominated the news for a week. The unintended consequences of the US government's decision to prevent US companies from selling products to the Chinese giant continue to rage, as different parts of Huawei's complex supply chain reveal how the decision affects them. Although a temporary 90-day ban on the ban on importation is in effect, this is not a permanent solution. With the current state of things, do you plan to buy a Huawei phone?

In case you are not aware, Huawei has recently been hit by two state bans, which prevent US telecom companies from using its equipment and which also prevent US companies from selling components to Huawei. . Side effects include loss of access to the Play Store for future Huawei devices, loss of component vendors, company ejection of key standards groups, and potential loss of Bluetooth and ARM licenses – both the latter do not offer many workarounds.

Although these changes may not have a drastic effect on current products, the future is an issue. Huawei's potential Android alternative is still only in months, and we have not yet figured out how this decision could affect his current devices.

Many things could change over the next 90 days, and all of this could end up collapsing before it has lasting repercussions. Huawei's P30 Pro and Honor 20 Pro were among the most tempting versions of the latter before the explosion of the new, but things may have changed since then. Would you consider buying a Huawei phone now?

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