WOW Air ceases all operations


Andie Fontaine

WOW Air, the low-cost Icelandic airline, has ceased operations after a long financial struggle. The airline has published information for pbadengers.

A statement posted on the airline's website confirms that all WOW Air flights have been canceled.

"Pbadengers are invited to check the flights available with other airlines," the statement said. "Some airlines may offer discounted flights, called" salvage rates, "depending on the circumstances. The information on these airlines will be published as soon as they are available. "

The declaration also indicates what rights the pbadengers have in terms of compensation. It also appears that bankruptcy was not ruled out as one of the possible outcomes of the airline, as the statement states that "claims must be filed with the administrator / liquidator", if any.

The Icelandic public radio network RÚV reports that the Icelandic air authorities are considering contacting other airlines to provide emergency services to the blocked WOW Air pbadengers.

Skúli Mogensen, CEO of WOW Air (seen above) told reporters that time was simply lacking before the airline was able to find the funding needed to keep them running.

"I can never forgive myself for not having acted sooner, but it is clear that WOW was an incredible airline and we were on the right track for great things," he said. "I would have liked to have more time, because you deserve better, but I am deeply sorry that we have arrived at this position."

As noted, WOW Air has struggled financially for months, to the point that even the Minister of Finance has been forced to intervene. In the end, no viable investor could be found for the airline. More details will be posted as and when.


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