Wrestlemania 35: 54 Amazing Pieces of WWE Memories from Axxess


For wrestling fans, there is no better time of the year than Wrestlemania Week. It is at this point that WWE arrives in a city and takes over, presenting television recordings, live events and community outreach activities – in addition to the big show itself. Another important piece of the Wrestlemania puzzle, however, is Axxess.

Wrestlemania Axxess is essentially the WWE's own mini-comic con, specifically designed for fans who have traveled to see the biggest show of the year. It's filled with live special matches for fans, plenty of opportunities to meet and greet with the talent of the company, and even many interactive activations. If you want to comment on the colors of your favorite wrestling match, Axxess if that can happen. Want to recreate an iconic WWE entry, with music and video? Axxess has it covered.

Perhaps the most impressive part of Axxess, that is, it also serves as a museum for artifacts in WWE history. From iconic Wrestlemania costumes to cars destroyed by Braun Strowman, Axxess has exposed everything so fans can see and take pictures.

However, not everyone can go to Wrestlemania. Fortunately, this year GameSpot did it. We went to New York for Wrestlemania 35 and are able to bring you Axxess products. Take a look at these pictures of the various WWE commemorative items on display at the Fan Party and be sure to check out our other Wrestlemania cover as we prepare for their grandfather, from our predictions to our broadcast guide the combined combination Ring of Honor and New Japan Pro Wrestling, G1 Supercard. Then come back for our cover of Wrestlemania 35, because we will be live in the press gallery at MetLife Stadium for the biggest show of the year.

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