Write exam questions on the board is not new – Ministry of Education


The Ministry of Education has reprimanded teachers of elementary education in the Ashanti region who had used the writing of end-of-session exam questions on blackboards in because of lack of funds for printing.

According to the Ministry, although the payment of the per capita allowance was delayed, it was not appropriate for the teachers to "dramatize" the situation because it was not new.

Social media was filled with photographs of teachers from some elementary schools in the Ashanti region writing exam questions on the board, following a directive from the Ghana Education Service. (GES) asking heads of schools not to charge fees for printing students.

A representative group of Ghanaians expressed disappointment at the development they described as embarrbading for the nation.

However, Vincent Assafuah, head of public relations at the Ministry of Education, said Wednesday in an interview with Starr FM that the "dramatization" of the situation by teachers was unacceptable.

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"Why dramatization? Is it because the teachers were getting money from what was paid earlier and they are not getting it now? So, are they angry? Writing on the board is not a new phenomenon. How did they write their clbad test? If this is the only way for poor people to get an education, so be it.

"Yesterday, half of the money needed to print the papers was paid. We agree that payment should be deferred, but our teachers should not play a dramatic role. I have a sullen look and that is unacceptable, because teachers who dramatize with the situation are not called, "he said.

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