WWE 205 Csonka Live Review 3.19.19


WWE 205 Csonka Live Review 3.19.19

– Mike Kanellis defeated Akira Tozawa at 9:25 via a pin[[[[**]– Tournament Finals Match: Tony Nese defeated Cedric Alexander at 10:20 pm via a pin[[[[****]

– Follow all my reviews on this link.

Mike Kanellis against Akira TozawaThey lock up and Kanellis tries to work his arm, but Tozawa defends himself. They lock up again and Tozawa takes him around the corner and they break. Kanellis follows with kicks and kicks, and the reversal of the sunset gets 2. Tozawa throws him now, but Kanellis comes back and hits the superkick. The suplex follows and Kanellis covers 2. He raises his elbows and motivates the action. Kicks follow and Kanellis covers for two. Tozawa steps back and knocks the bright wizard and RANA. The missile dropskick gets 2. Kanellis is fighting against the German, but Tozawa gets the stretch of the octopus. Kanellis starts up and hits one side to escape. They exchange chops, but Tozawa shoots them and hits the jab, but runs in the spinebuster for 2. Tozawa escapes the TKO, kicks in and they ride on it and Kanellis hits the super DVD for 2. Kanellis is pissed off, Maria pep talks about him and Kanellis lie on their elbows but Tozawa hits an enziguri. Tozawa upstairs and Maria distracts him. On the other side but the smell is eating knees. The daredevil ends Tozawa. Mike Kanellis defeated Akira Tozawa at 9:25 via a pin [**¾] It was a good match. Kanellis won the victory he needed, but I'm still waiting for him to impress on 205 Live.

– Cedric Alexander is in the locker room getting ready for Tony Nese and says he's confident. Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese interrupt him and Tony says he's getting better while Cedric has not changed. Cedric asks Buddy if he thinks Tony can win and what would happen to their friendship if the title was involved. Cedric walks away and Buddy asks Tony if he's buying such a thing.

– Next week, Lucha House Party will face Drew Gulak, Jack Gallagher and Humberto Carrillo.

Tony Nese against Cedric Alexander: They lock themselves while working for the position and Nese tries to work the arm. He puts things on the ground, but Alexander tries a smooth exit but Nese attacks the arm and the ground. Alexander is now working in a cradle for 2. They are working in a dead end and Nese puts things back in place. Alexander gets up and the high cross follows. The head scissors connect, but Nese hits the lariat for 2. Alexander interrupts with a dropkick, covering for 2. Alexander follows with chops, then motivates the action. Nese gets up, makes Alexandre stumble and moonsault springboard is missing. Alexander hits the knee and the dropkick gets 2. Nese retaliates, hits the free kick and hits. Alexander interrupts the shot with a dropkick in the basement, but Nese drops him on the apron and follows him with a knee. Alexander returns and Nese puts the boots on and follows him with chops. Nese puts things on the ground, maneuvering the neck. The Northern Lights' suplexion follows for two years. Alexander gets up, strikes Nese by force and follows him with a pair of dropkicks. Alexander now connects with clotheslines and an elbow on the back. The back kick connects and the flatliner at the sling gets 2. Alexander looks for the lumbar check, Nese fights him and Alexander replicates him with kicks. Nese interrupts with the driver of the pump handle for 2. Alexander to the apron. Nese follows him, returns him to the back and hits the lunar drape for 2. Alexander. Against the Nese racing in a cradle for 2. Michinoku's driver follows him and gets 2. Alexander in apron, and springboard in a palm strike by Nese. They work at the top, swap strikes, bang on the apron and find themselves on the ground. They brought back the count, shot and started strikes while the crowd really started to get going. They work in the counters and Nese strikes at full throttle, but Alexander hits the superkick for 2. Alexander is now in the chops, takes Nese to the top and Nese fights him and hits an enziguri. Alexander on the ground and Nese hits the flop of Fosbury, returns and the 450 follows for 2. Nese puts Alexander in the corner, but Alexander stops him and Nese kicks and Alexander counteracts the Nese with a Spanish fly for 2 lumbar control follows, but Nese expels! Alexander is shocked. He drops his knees, looking for another, but Nese cradles him for two minutes. The knee hit connects and the running Nese ends Alexander. Tony Nese defeated Cedric Alexander @ 22:20 via pin [****] The fairytale journey for Tony Nese becomes a reality as he wins a shot on the WrestleMania map in his hometown before finally getting out of the pack. It was a great match that was built slowly and intelligently and that allowed the crowd to lock themselves on arrival.

– Buddy Murphy arrives in his arms to celebrate with his friend. BUT It's a trap that when Nese looks at the Mania panel, Buddy kills him by hitting the jumper knee.

– End scene.

– Thank you for reading.

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Wrestling's 411 podcast is back on the 411 podcasting network for episode 4. In the show, Larry Csonka of 411 is joined by Steven Cook, a long-time podcasting III partner. On the show, the guys discuss the road from Kurt Angle and Kofi Kingston to WrestleMania, NXT talents investing in EVOLVE and other locations, Harlem Heat entering the WWE Hall of Fame, and closing the discussion around the excitement of the WrestleMania weekend. The show lasts about 60 minutes.

Kurt Angle – 3h30
Kofi Kingston – 8:22
NXT Talents Working Evolve and other places – 16:40
Harlem Heat and the WWE Hall of Fame – 29:45
WrestleMania Weekend Excitement – 38:10

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling podcast via the button
above the player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:

* iTunes
* Spotify
* Stitcher

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The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.

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411: The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a good series, with a big main event and a new challenger for Buddy Murphy crowned.
Final score:
[ Torture ]



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Legendary notes


  • 0 – 0.9


  • 1 – 1.9

    Extremely horrible

  • 2 – 2.9

    Very bad

  • 3 – 3.9


  • 4 – 4.9


  • 5 – 5.9

    Not so good

  • 6 – 6.9


  • 7 – 7.9


  • 8 – 8.9

    Very good

  • 9-9.9


  • ten
    Practically perfect

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