WWE 205 Live Review 4.09.19 from Csonka


WWE 205 Live Review 4.09.19 from Csonka

– Humberto Carrillo beat Jack Gallagher at 8:10 via DQ[[[[***]– Title title Cruiserweight: Champion Tony Nese beat Buddy Murphy @ 20:00 via pin[[[[****]

– Follow all my reviews on this link.

Humberto Carrillo against Jack Gallagher: Gulak is with Gallagher. They block and Gallagher motivates the action. Gallagher starts looking for blankets, Carrillo opposes and picks up the pace and follows with rights. Gallagher cuts it and knocks ropes for two minutes. He follows him with his elbows, anchoring the action. They exchange their strikes, Gallagher taking control, working on the ground and typing on their knees, covering for 2. Gallagher works the knee, but only escapes to hit a dropkick for 2. Strikes mounted follow from Gallagher, while he's keeping control. Gallagher works his arm, but Carrillo steps back and establishes rights. Carrillo avoids the dropkick, establishes rights and climbs in the lead and hits the center of the top and the dropkick. The tope follows. Back and Gulak shouting at Carrillo, Carrillo climbs to the top and hits a missile dropkick for 2. Gallagher retaliates but hits hard. Carrillo hits an arm and goes up. Gulak drops him for the DQ. Humberto Carrillo defeated Jack Gallagher @ 8:10 via DQ [***] It was a good competitive match that also paved the way for Gallagher's break with Gulak.

– After the match, Gulak attacks Carrillo, but Gallagher stops him and gives him a whim.

– Buddy Murphy swears to win back the heavyweight title tonight.

– Tony Nese says that WrestleMania was the biggest day of his life because he realized his dream in front of his family and friends. He is planning a rehearsal tonight.

– Drake Maverick up Oney Lorcan against Cedric Alexander for next week.

Champion Tony Nese against Buddy Murphy: They lock up and separate. Lock up again, they work up to the ropes and break. They grow and push, Murphy hits a shoulder and tries to rectify things. Nese lights and hits the back elbow. They lock up, working hard, and Murphy has rights. Nese retaliates with kicks and a knee hit for 2. Nese strikes him curly, but Murphy refines his knee and bends down. THIS IS A TRAP! Murphy posts Nese, follows him to the ground and knocks him up against the barricade, taking control. He throws it on the table and follows it with rights. Back, Murphy hits the knee for 2. The suplex connects for 2 more. Murphy follows with strikes and kicks, but Nese retaliates. Murphy discharges him and the tope follows. Back in and meteora follows for 2. Murphy motivates the action, but Nese turns it on and Murphy stuns him. Nese then hits Murphy on the floor. Nese follows with a fall of leg then the special Sasuke. He slaps Murphy at the barricade, and again. Murphy defends himself but Nese throws him on the announcements table and follows her with strikes. Back and Nese upstairs, Murphy interrupts and Nese runs away then follows with a RANA for 2. Murphy fights back, eats an enziguri and Nese hits the Moonsault for 2. Nese hits the pilot of the handle of the pump for 2. Nese Murphy follows him, and Murphy slips into Cheeky nandos and a powerbomb for 2. Nese blocks kamigoye and surprises Murphy with the curls. The running Nese is countered, he works up to the apron and Murphy eliminates him with a knee stroke. Murphy is looking for a powerbomb, but Nese collapses. Murphy breaks the account and Nese puts it on the ads table. Back home and they exchange strikes, Murphy retaliates and kills him with a lariat and a big end for 2. Murphy's law connects for 2. Murphy is shocked. Kamigoye follows and another. Nese strikes RANA on the back and two Neses in the race follow and the champion keeps himself. Champion Tony Nese defeated Buddy Murphy @ 20:00 via pin [****] While their WrestleMania match was very good, this one was excellent with a better layout, better performance and a better sense of urgency. While Murphy loses the title and Nese loses two in a row, he is likely to move to Raw or Smackdown.

– End scene.

– Thank you for reading.

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Wrestling's 411 podcast is back on the 411 podcasting network for episode 9. In the show, 411's Larry Csonka is joined by his longtime friend and podcasting partner, Jeremy Lambert Jr III, for drop the NXT Takeover: New York & WrestleMania 35. about 153 minutes.

* Intro
* Takeover of NXT: New York Review6:00
* The business and brand of WrestleMania and possible future changes: 50:55
* WrestleMania 35 review: 61:06

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The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

The final score: review

The 411

The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.

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411: The episode of this week's WWE 205 Live was a very good show, with a big main event, consolidating Nese as a new champion.
Final score:
[ Torture ]



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Legendary notes


  • 0 – 0.9


  • 1 – 1.9

    Extremely horrible

  • 2 – 2.9

    Very bad

  • 3 – 3.9


  • 4 – 4.9


  • 5 – 5.9

    Not so good

  • 6 – 6.9


  • 7 – 7.9


  • 8 – 8.9

    Very good

  • 9-9.9


  • ten
    Practically perfect

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