WWE Extreme Rules 2019 Predictions


The WWE returns to pay-per-view (if your cable company organizes it, of course), tomorrow night (Sunday, July 14, 2019) live from the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with its Extreme rules event starting at 6:00 pm ET with the Kickoff show leading directly to the main course at 7:00 pm ET on the WWE network.

Set for the card: Undertaker is back to the team with Roman Reigns against Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch are together and are fighting together, and more!

Fortunately for you, Cagesiders, our team of hard-fought letter writers is here to help you understand how the event will be played out with the predictions for each card match.

Let's go.

Extreme rules predictions

Undertaker and Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre

Geno Mrosko: There are not many ways to play this fifth that ends otherwise than standing baby-faces. It will probably happen anyway. Maybe they set up a big Raw match between Undertaker and McIntyre along the way. Choice: cemetery dogs

Sean Rueter: It's not that the cemetery dogs need help, but I'm mostly looking to see what Kevin Owens is doing from Stone Cold. And hoping that anything brings us closer to the end of the race of the best in the world. Choice: Roman Reigns & Undertaker

Kyle Decker: Imagine Undertaker losing a match on a B-PPV. If I had the book, I would make Bill Goldberg the special referee to install Goldberg / Taker II at Slam summerbut I just want to watch the world burn. Choice: Undertaker & Roman Reigns

Claire Elizabeth: Cemetery dogs! Cemetery dogs? Cemetery dogs. Do we have a silk bag from them to live longer? I do not know. Look, I'm just grateful to have a team name to use in the liveblog, guys. Choice: Graveyard Dogs (Roman Reigns & The Undertaker)

Cain A. Knight: The WWE tells us that Undertaker, Roman Reigns and Shane McMahon are prominent men, which means that Drew McIntyre exists to eat the pin. Choice: Undertaker & Reigns

Stella Chees: Having recently watched WrestleMania 15, I'm waiting for the day of Undertaker as the devil TM. If we are to have Roman & Taker as a team fighting against Shane UGH McMahon, I would like to imagine this nostalgic nightmare starring Taker in the role of The Devil & Roman in that of literal hell. They win the match easily, then start eating Shane's soul and recruit McIntyre in their demon cult … BRB I have a fanfiction to write. Choice: Undertaker & Reigns

Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch vs. Baron Corbin & Lacey Evans

Geno Mrosko: I'm not sure I've always been hoping for a game less, especially if you're wondering if the most intriguing story is the one I just can not follow. Choose: Rollins & Lynch

Sean Rueter: Secky is bad, but you do not need Tony Khan's badysis team to know that she has the numbers of her opponents. Choice: the man and his man

Kyle DeckerBecky's (and Seth, I suppose?) Popularity Is it enough to keep Philadelphia from cracking? Connect with the knowledge! Choice: Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins

Claire Elizabeth: (long moan of anxiety) I … I just … Why is Raw's main stage not allowed to be quality? I would like to have something smarter to write here. I like the four artists here, but I hate the way they are used. Choice: Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins

Cain A. KnightIt's very easy to tell Corbin and Evans to have completely lost their identity as contenders for the title of World Champion for three consecutive PPVs, and it is disconcerting that WWE continues on this path. The worst is that this time, all the couples who talk with Lynch and Rollins give the impression that the babyfaces are the opposite of the cool. Almost everything about this quarrel is zero, so I hope it will be the last chapter. Choose: Lynch & Rollins

Stella CheesIt's 2019 and the WWE has made Becky Lynch & Seth Rollins – their FLIPPING CHAMPIONS – a little cool. Fortunately, for them, nobody fears more than Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans. Lucky lucky. Choose: Beth Lollins

Bayley vs Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

Geno Mrosko: It was well prepared for Bliss's victory and an immediate feud with Cross on the title, or Bliss's defeat and an immediate quarrel over the fact that she did not win the title. We will go with the old. Choose: Alexa Bliss

Sean Rueter: The side "2" of this match for handicap does not need the title to continue his story. The revitalization of the Hugger would be greatly enhanced if she kept the belt for at least a month or two. And yes, I am cautiously optimistic and we are entering an era where there will be programs for women who do not have a championship and who have air time. Choose: Bayley

Kyle Decker: This will probably set up the Nikki Cross / Alexa Bliss quarrel as there is no reason to change here. But again, take the Bayley belt in a match whose story is not even about it. is a very WWE thing … Choose: Bayley

Claire Elizabeth: The handicap title is the babyface victory. Here, no reason to play with the formula: the heels bicker, fall, one of the turns, and now we cook gas! Choose: Bayley

Cain A. Knight: Bliss and Cross have a really interesting story that could be reinforced by a championship win. But Slam summer This means that Charlotte Flair will soon be back in the limelight, probably for the Bayley title. Choose: Bayley

Stella Chees: The construction of this story has been so good! Nikki Cross is finally in the spotlight that she deserves and she has been on her game every step of the way. Especially if we take into account that Alexa became ill and had to withdraw essentially from all the construction. Nikki defended well against the champion and, frankly, Bayley did some of his best work on the main line with Nikki as a foil. Bayley must absolutely keep the championship here – especially since Sasha would be gone because the WWE has always broken his reign in the championship – but I have high hopes for spinoffs. A battle between Nikki Cross and Alexa could be great or, if I dare to hope, a bend in Bayley's heel? So many possibilities! Choose: Bayley

Kofi Kingston vs. Samoa Joe

Geno Mrosko: The WWE has already used Samoa Joe to win the title of champion several times, and they seem to be doing the same. Choice: Kofi Kingston

Sean Rueter: Joe will scare you. Joe will lose. And unlike most cases where this is the case, I absolutely agree with that in this case. Choice: Kofi Kingston

Kyle Decker: I really love that Kofi is probably champion up to Slam summer at least. After his huge victory at Mania, I was afraid he would not let her down right away. And Joe never threatened to win a real title (when it should be), so go Kofi! Choice: Kofi Kingston

Claire ElizabethJoe feels like a more realistic choice of title change than Dolph Ziggler. But fortunately, it seems that WWE is fully on the Kofi Kingston train, and I do not think we're seeing a change before SummerSlam. Choice: Kofi Kingston

Cain A. Knight: What the WWE has taught me over the past two years is that Joe still looks like a threatening threat, but he has never won the first title . Choice: Kofi Kingston

Stella Chees: Kofi Kingston for the WWE Lifetime Champion please. Choice: Kofi Kingston

Daniel Bryan & Rowan vs. The New Day vs. Heavy Machinery

Geno Mrosko: The new day will still be in the title picture of the tag team, but it looks like they are getting closer and closer to the time of "shit or shit" for Otis & Tucker. I just do not think they are ready to pull the trigger for now. Choice: Bryan & Rowan

Sean Rueter: I have to put these steaks on the grill when it's hot, baby! Pick: Heavy Equipment

Kyle Decker: I can see them go with one of these guys. Blue Collar Solid because they are doing very well very early. The New Day so that they can hold the titles alongside Kofi. Or simply do not shake things up until Easy E takes over. I say that the champions of the planet still have a month before losing their belt to Slam summer and Bryan can still go single. Choice: Daniel Bryan & Rowan

Claire Elizabeth: I do not know. I like this quarrel and the scene of SD tags in general, but we feel … aimless? Secondary? Anyway, the match will be good and I think we see a title change, so give it up for your six time championships, etc., etc. Choice: New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)

Cain A. Knight: Is the planet still saved? No? Well, Bryan's job must continue. Choice: Bryan & Rowan

Stella Chees: Heavy Machinery is a bad excuse for a team and if it wins, I swear I will never eat steak again. Choice: Bryan & Rowan

The rebirth against usos

Geno Mrosko: I do not know. One has the impression that they push both with the same force, at least recently. At least we know that the match will be good. Choice: the alarm clock

Sean Rueter: More than anything else on the map, it looks like a coin. The tail is. Choice: usos

Kyle DeckerIf they really want to push the Good Brothers now that they have signed up again, a program with a headline is the way to go. And it will be against a babyface team. So … choice: usos

Claire Elizabeth: I do not know, I like that … Wait, something seems a little too familiar … Whatever it is, it's going to be great and I think we're getting the change because people need to see that Raw is locked up in the penitentiary of Uso. Choice: Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso)

Cain A. KnightIt is always reasonable to predict that the alarm will be lost. But maybe their new role as Shane's lackey will help them slip one here. Choice: the alarm clock

Stella Chees: The Usos are excellent and are a welcome presence in the Raw team scene, but The Revival deserves a long reign. I hope this match will end with a victory of The Revival with shenanigans and a continuing feud with the Usos. Choice: the alarm clock

Ricochet vs AJ Styles

Geno Mrosko: S? They really want to make The Club a strength, they have to somehow put the belt on Styles, right? Choose: AJ Styles

Sean Rueter: You do not start the new faction of powers with a loss of PPV. He did not have much history for his first main victory. Let's give him the opportunity to continue, so claiming the red, white and blue belt really means something. Choose: AJ Styles

Kyle Decker: I can not imagine how Styles can be defeated after a sharp turn and get the club together without looking like an idiot. So he does not do it. Choose: AJ Styles

Claire Elizabeth: This is Evolution's 10th Anniversary weekend, WWE certainly would not make a WWN icon like Ricochet's. Hm … (check the notes) … I see that WWE would make a WWN icon like this. Hey, mark the glbades on … Choices: Ricochet

Cain A. Knight: This should easily be the best match on the map. Ricochet was destroyed by the Club during the go-home episode of Grossso probably win the victory over PPV. Choice: Ricochet

Stella Chees: Ricochet barely wins and is destroyed (again) by the club <> Choice: Ricochet

Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley

Geno Mrosko: WWE is a babyface company, and Last Man Standing is a blowoff type match. So you have to expect Strowman to impose it here. Choose: Braun Strowman

Sean Rueter: Since I thought he would be the ideal person to feed the bad for the return of Bray Wyatt in the ring, I could not get an idea in mind. Use the torn spleen as a cover for the monster among the men, then give me the Almighty against the devil himself. Choose: Bobby Lashley

Kyle Decker: I'm still at the point where I do not see Lashley win big games. And even if he beat Roman Reigns at one point! Heyman will have to convince me otherwise. Choose: Braun Strowman

Claire Elizabeth: Is this a death blast with Atsushi Onita as a special guest arbiter? No? And why the hell not? Well. I really think that Braun will overcome his biggest injury by winning a victory by giving Bob the road case or something like that. Choose: Braun Strowman

Cain A. KnightBraun Strowman has already survived the homicide of a garbage truck. It would be easier to survive Lashley in this game. Choose: Braun Strowman

Stella Chees: It really comes down to who has a stronger spleen does not? Choose: Bobby Lashley

Aleister Black against Cesaro

Geno Mrosko: Cesaro plays the same role as Samoa Joe, as a top-level wrestler who replaces the guy that the people in power have planned. Choose: Aleister Black

Sean Rueter: Hoping that the WWE decides to follow AEW's initiative and impose time limits in order to get a draw that will logically lead us to a rematch, but that will probably not be the case. Choose: Aleister Black

Kyle Decker: Aleister Black can not lose his first match with the guy "Come and get me". (He should really turn to Mets general manager Brodie Van Wagenen for not making such bold claims, otherwise he'll be the second worst team in the NL.) Pick: Aleister Black

Claire Elizabeth: Us? We are the winners. Choose: Aleister Black

Cain A. Knight: This match could be great if it lasts 15 minutes. But the main objective here should be to present Aleister Black and win it relatively quickly. Choose: Aleister Black

Stella Chees: Aleister Black used to be cool. He then quoted Shakespeare sitting in a closet whimpering for not having any friends opponents. Cesaro is basically James Bond and James Bond still wins. Choose: Cesaro

Drew Gulak against Tony Nese

Geno Mrosko: Choice: Drew Gulak

Sean Rueter: The Philadelphia Stretcher will break the curse of his hometown. Choose: Drew Gulak

Kyle Decker: Love me a little gulak. Choose: Drew Gulak

Claire Elizabeth: (The Catch Point handshake intensifies) Choose: Drew Gulak

Cain A. Knight: I do not know why they have ever awarded the title to Nese in the first place, so the idea of ​​getting it looks even crazier. Choose: Drew Gulak

Stella Chees: Drew Gulak Choices 2020: Drew Gulak

That's how we see the card play.

And you?

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