WWE fans thwarted by legend The Undertaker do not show up at WrestleMania 35


WrestleMania 35 was full of shocks and surprises, however it was missing one of the pillars of the event this year and left the fans disappointed.

While we saw the return of John Cena – reprimanding his Doctor of Thuganomics gimmick since his first run, a notable name did not appear on the map and was The Undertaker.

In the days leading up to the biggest event in the WWE calendar, fans wondered if a man synonymous with this event would show up.

Rumors were circulating that the Deadman could intervene in the final match of Kurt Angle, or even challenge this dream match with Sting.

The rumor melted when Undertaker was photographed alongside Teddy Long the day before WrestleMania on the red carpet. However, as the card was coming to an end, it was clear that we would not see Mark Calaway appearing this year.

The Undertaker was in New Jersey and was photographed with Teddy Long

The Undertaker did not have another WrestleMania moment

This is the first time The Undertaker has not appeared on a WrestleMania show since 2000.

Fans were understandably disappointed and tweeted their discontent with comments like these from Matthew Dix:

"Wrestlemania without The Undertaker is like a football game without football …. #Wrestlemania #TheUndertakerVsSting @WWE"

Fans have been denied another Undertaker moment at WrestleMania

WWE has not tackled Undertaker Missing for WrestleMania

And Brandon then added that WrestleMania was just not the same without The Deadman:

"A WrestleMania without the presence of The Undertaker is not #WrestleMania"

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