WWE SmackDown Live Score, recap, reactions (May 28, 2019): Triple the fun


I think I complained that SmackDown only had three games in the series a week or two ago. Well, this series had three fun ones.

First, our new SmackDown Live women's champion, Bayley, played a game against Lacey Evans with Charlotte Flair as a commentator in the ring. This is the kind of situation that usually takes over a babyface, right? Or at the very least, you need another good guy / girl to go out and even the playground.

Nah. Not Bayley.

Bayley and Evans held a solid game that earned some cheering and cheering from the crowd, but the end of the match and what happened after that sealed the deal for me. Charlotte rose from the table of comments to approach Bayley, but Bayley returned the tables by hitting the first. Angry, Charlotte tried to storm the ring for revenge, but the referee stopped her. At the same time, Evans rolled Bayley, but it took several seconds for the referee to arrive at the bowling count.

At this point, Bayley turned it around and turned into a stronger pin. 1-2-3, the champion wins.

Bayley came out immediately, which was another wise decision when Evans attacked Charlotte for costing him the match. I imagine it was a way to burn the bridge and allow Evans to come back to Raw full time, but I would also enjoy this game if WWE were considering paying it back in the near future .

Soften it

Unlike Raw, we did not have to spend an hour talking and fighting to get to a legitimate match. Instead, we only had a few recaps of Kevin Owens' short pbadage in New Day, as well as a recap of the dive into Dolph Ziggler's madness. I would say it's still too much, but I just do not have the energy.

Now we had an intriguing treat before Kofi Kingston and Owens argue; Owens claimed that he had never hurt Big E last week. It's interesting! So, if it was not Owens and it was not Ziggler … whodunnit?

Kingston was pretty brutally brutalized last week and that's kind of the story of the game. He continued to take big shots of Owens, but managed to avoid any finishing movements through the skin of his teeth. And finally, he managed to overthrow Owens in Trouble in Paradise to win the victory.

We had a picture of Ziggler in the back who was watching television in a heavily uncomfortable way, but Ziggler did nothing to get out and fight Kingston again. I suppose he said his article at this point?

How to melt my grumpy heart

Let's just let go of Shane McMahon, yeah? He sucked Raw, he still sucked SmackDown. He was talking, boasting and was a general bother when R-Truth sprinted into the ring trying to avoid the horde of lower cards on his tracks 24/7. Shane was insulted by the fact that anyone would ever breathe his air or anything and asked his two morons to beat our poor champion and win his title.

As an added insult to the injury, Shane booked Truth in a match with Roman Reigns against new Elias champion 24/7 and Drew McIntyre in the main event. And guess what?

Good guys won! Yay!

I say that a bit sarcastic because Shane vs. Roman is still a Super Show Down quarrel and it's still not fun. But then, something really awesome happened that left me a smirk.

Shane had suspended the rules 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the end of the main event, arguing that it would give Elias time to prepare. And as soon as Reigns pinned Elias for the win, he stopped and asked the referee to confirm that the 24/7 title was back in action. Then he hit Elias with another spear and invited R-Truth to launch a pin attempt.

Call him the double champion 24/7, baby! Reigns smiled like an idiot and kissed R-Truth as the newly crowned champion collapsed. Cheaper stuff like that, you like it.

The rest

Team Champions are not about to mix the fight with fracking – Pour one for Wiggles the Pig and Wilbur the Cow, dude. Party but not forgotten.

Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan have called the team division a joke – that's right – before saying that they are here to save it, just as they will save the planet. That brought out Heavy Machinery and I swear to God that Tucker said, "… as much as we like to have fun, it's time to get down to business." … How many times have we regretted is right there to have fun?

/ head

Be that as it may, the champions said they would fight with them except that Oklahoma is disgusting.

Do you get a Sonya Deville – After distributing dozens of magazines with her face, Mandy Rose had to rely on Deville's help to defeat Carmella. It's officially a trend; Deville is wearing Rose to all his success. How long before this dynamic duo explodes?

Silence speaks volumes – These Aleister Black promos are always fantastic, in my opinion. We have a bit of a Black World perspective with them as well as the way he approaches the fights. But we may have had his most poignant statement of all this show. With this strange silence as the only companion, Black finally spoke directly to the crowd. We are all waiting for him to pronounce a name, is not it? To fight with someone. No matter who.

It works both ways, does not it? He must be terribly intimidating, because everyone is sure he can not leave him. And this silence speaks volumes.

Triple H vs. Video Package Randy Orton – Can I call your attention to a tweet from Stella who owns the Cageside Seats Twitter account?

How cute they are trying to excite us for Randy vs. Orton. It really is. #SDLive

– Cageside Seats (@ Cagesideseats) May 29, 2019

Superb Stella? More like a beautiful Tella … truths.

Look, nobody ever said that I was funny, okay?

Finn 2019 Watch

Show: SmackDown Performs in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Question: Finn Balor appeared?

Reply: Yes! But only in a promo recorded last week. Andrade spoke trash to prolong the quarrel.

At the next show!

Three fun games and a decent job. All Saudi shit is terrible, but it was at least a much better effort than Raw's.

Category B-

Your turn.

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