WWE Stock Report: The story of Kurt Angle's retirement is completely missed


Some places make power rankings. Here at Cageside, we report on the actions.

In this weekly series, we identify three Superstars (or groups of Superstars) who ride, and three who go in the opposite direction. After a busy week that included WrestleMania 35, the beginnings of Lars Sullivan, and the return of Sami Zayn, many fortunes have been changed.

In this spirit, let's see which stock has decreased the most this week:

Stock Down # 3: Angle of Kurt

The story of Kurt Angle's retirement is coming to an end WrestleMania 35 when he lost a six-minute match against a heel in the middle of the card. This story seemed to lack detailed planning from the beginning, when Kurt simply appeared on Gross a month ago to announce that his farewell match would take place at WrestleMania. A week later, he discreetly announced that he had chosen Baron Corbin as his last opponent, a decision that was not well received. And then Kurt lost in a very forgettable match to WrestleMania, without any dramatic rebound along the way.

Considering how WrestleMania Retreat stories for other legends like Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair have proved, Kurt's final match is a huge disappointment and a surprisingly sweet conclusion to his WWE ring career. Is this really the best that WWE can offer for a great superstar?

Stock Down # 2: Bayley and Sasha Banks

Sasha and Bayley have dropped their women's title to WrestleMania to the IIconics, then Bayley did the job for Alexa Bliss the following night Gross. Later in the week, it was reported that Banks may have attempted to leave the WWE for WrestleMania weekend, because of his displeasure of having lost tag titles. Considering how much Sasha and Bayley were booked on Gross Throughout 2018, it's easy to understand why the two superstars would be unhappy with the decision made by WWE to book again.

Stock Down # 1: Renewal

The Revival lost two games (and their Gross beats titles) this week against a team of complete losers, making it the second consecutive year that the Gross tag headlines were treated as a joke to WrestleMania. Being the team that ultimately lost a match against Curt Hawkins is the most harmful thing possible, given the dismal booking history of Dash and Dawson on the main formation.

Let's see now which stock has increased the most this week:

Stock Up # 3: Seth Rollins

It would have seemed silly if the WWE sold all these BeastSlayer t-shirts only to Seth Rollins to lose against The Beast Incarnate to WrestleMania. Fortunately, that's not what happened, and now the universal championship is back on Gross fulltime. It's time!

Stock Up # 2: Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch lived up to her nickname The Man when she became the first woman in the WWE to pin Ronda Rousey. Oh yes, and she did it at the very first main women's event WrestleMania history, bringing home the Gross and Smack down women's championships.

Stock Up # 1: Kofi Kingston

After waiting eleven long years, Kofi Kingston pinned Daniel Bryan to WrestleMania to finally become the WWE Champion. Kingston is in first place here because of the impressive quality of its match and the quality of its reception by the public compared to all the rest of the map. WrestleMania 35 was really KofiMania.

That's it, Cagesiders. What action do you think has changed the most this week?

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