WWE WrestleMania 35: Results, Ratings, Surprises and New Champions




It's time WrestleMania, aka Christmas Grapple!

The biggest wrestling show of the year will be presented by the first main event. This is a triple threat between female champion Raw Ronda Rousey and SmackDown women's champion Charlotte Flair against Becky Lynch. It's a win-all-title match, which means that the winner goes away with both titles.

It's only the first of three major games of the title. Brock Lesnar, the famous human death machine, will face Royal Rumble winner Seth Rollins for the World Championship, while Kofi Kingston will get his first singles title at the WWE Championship when he faces Daniel Bryan.

With more than a dozen matches, these three league fights only skim the surface. We also have the return of Batista, Kurt Angle's retirement game, Roman Reigns' first WrestleMania game since returning from the fight against leukemia, and, surprisingly, so much more.

The show is live on the WWE network now. If you are not a member or if you can not watch, follow the results and ratings. The latest results will be pushed back to the top of the page. It goes without saying, upcoming spoilers!


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Becky Lynch beats Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair

The crowd may still have an exciting match in them. Strong moment, because it is the time of the main event.

Flair is transported to the stadium by helicopter. She goes out, takes off her leather jacket and asks her lackeys to wear a patented Flair sparkle cape. Rousey came out first, played by Joan Jett. Rousey smiled at the group, then his murderous face. Flair comes to the fireworks, and "The Man" Becky Lynch comes in last.

The crowd revolves around Lynch. Do not forget that the women's championships Rousey's Raw and Flair's SmackDown are up for grabs.

Rousey gives the kickoff to Lynch. Rousey eliminates Flair from the ring. Rousey is the monster of this main event. Lynch and Flair work together to eliminate Lynch. Flair and Lynch end up alone in the ring. The crowd is alive and well again, chanting "Becky" and making everyone boo, not Becky.

Rousey returns to the ring. Flair and Lynch try a double power bomb on her, but Rousey counter with a double cuff over the ropes. Lynch escapes and Rousey leaves the ring.

Flair launches on Lynch, but Lynch returns to a Disarmeur's armband. Rousey enters the ring and puts Lynch in an armband. Flair breaks him with a solid knee on Rousey's face. Flair hits Rousey with a million chops and then hits her in the face. Rousey is going to get a flying armband.

All actions. Until here everything is fine.

The three women are in the ring. Lynch hits Flair with a suplex exploding from the top of the rope. Rousey strikes the two men with an unusual touch and starts throwing judo at everyone. Double cuff on Lynch and Flair. Lynch and Flair cons with a double powerbomb on Rousey. Rousey is holding the armband. Two other motor bombs break the jack.

Lynch and Flair have an exchange, leaving Lynch alone with Rousey in the ring. Lynch hits the Disarmer on Rousey. Rousey turns off his power. Flair is back. Spanish Fly, from Flair to Lynch, has two numbers. Flair expels Lynch from the ring. Flair is working on Rousey's leg, which immediately has bruises. Flair puts Rousey in the ring with a four-digit wash, before Lynch separates him.

Flair places Rousey in a figure eight in the center of the ring, but Lynch separates him again, this time with a fall to the flying leg. Lynch takes out a table. The crowd is happy. The table is set up in the ring. Rousey kicks, the crowd is furious. She pounds Lynch. Flair launches the two women. Double two counts.

The table is now configured by one of the turnbuckles. Flair launches Lynch for two counts. Michael Cole has no more voices. Flair tries to sweep Lynch and Rousey across the table but eventually gets through. Lynch and Rousey face off in the ring and the crowd is great.

Rousey attempts a slam of Piper's Pit, but Lynch takes a crucifix pin for counting all three. Becky Lynch wins the Women's SmackDown and Raw Championships.

Rating: 3.75 stars. Excellent opening and middle, but the end of the match came out of nowhere. The match is over as if we were going to have a satisfying end segment. Rousey's random win will likely lead to a rematch, but it was a low end to a WrestleMania main event.



Finn Balor beats Bobby Lashley

When Finn Balor unveiled for the first time his alter ego Demon Finn in NXT in 2014, the first thing that came to my mind was "wow, imagine what an entry from Demon Finn would look like to WrestleMania. ". Today is this day.


Balor starts with a spinning kick, a chisel and a shotgun. Kicks galore from Demon Balor. Lashley comes back with slam and suplex. Lashley sends him out. Balor hits a slingblade and a shotgun dropkick in the barricade. Lashley chases Balor from the ring, then hits another in the center of the ring. Two counts.

Balor starts, hits Lashley and a knockout. We have a new intercontinental champion.

Rating: 2.5 stars. Lashley's spear was spectacular and Balor's powerbomb was impressive. It was a short game though, and the crowd at this point is only concerned about the main event.

Kurt Angle loses to Baron Corbin, retires

Baron Corbin, Kurt Angle's opponent, arrives first. People are not enthusiastic. The fans were hoping that Corbin would be replaced at the last minute, but that does not seem to be happening.

Corbin hits Angle with a few punches and usually whales. Angle makes a comeback, hits three German suplexes. Angle locks it at the ankle but Corbin turns off. Corbin hits him with a Deep Six Slam. Angle strikes an Olympic slam for two accounts. Angle takes off his suspenders and puts Corbin in the ankle lock. Corbin goes off again.



Corbin gives Angle a provocation "you can not see me". Angle launches into more German suplex. The crowd wakes up and encourages Angle. Angle opts for an inverted moonsault, but Corbin disengages. Corbin hits an End of Days to win the match. The MetLife stadium collectively shakes the head.

After the match, Angle goes to the microphone and asks the crowd to come out chanting "You suck". The best and the worst of the WWE in this match.

Rating: 2 stars. Nobody wanted that.

Triple H Bat Batista

Shawn Michaels is missing for what is presented as potentially the last match of Triple H. Two SUVs carry Batista and his entourage. Batista is so great. On a physical level, it looks the same as it was five years ago, which at 50 is impressive. He stumbles while walking in the ropes. No auspicious Kumail Nanjiani, famous in Silicon Valley, is in the ring.

The entrance to Triple H is inspired by Mad Max: Fury Road. He goes out behind what can only be described as a motive for death. It's time to play the game.


Both are out in seconds. It's a no-taboo match, which means everything is allowed. Triple H finds a toolbox with a thick chain and quickly flogs Batista. Good and easy start. Triple H pulls out a clamp and crushes Batista's fingers. If Saw was PG-14 and engaged in a wrestling promotion, that would be good.

Triple H throws Batista into the ring and hits him with a chair. Then he tears Batista's nose with a pair of pliers. It's actually pretty rude. At the very least, you can not say that Batista is not dedicated to showbiz. Batista ends up being offended, slamming Triple H twice on one of the announcer 's tables. Batista throws Triple H into the barricade three times. The crowd is tired.

Batista throws Triple H repeatedly around the ring. Triple H unfolds and Batista hits him with the steel staircase. Batista puts the stairs at the top of one of the advertisers' tables. Batista opts for a Batista bomb, but the Triple H markers with a body back fall on what is probably the most strengthened announcer table of all time. Triple H gives Batista a crush on his crotch and throws him through a third ad table.

Batista gets into the ring and Triple H pulls out his hammer. Good times to come. Triple H tries a hammer but Batista hits him with a spear. Batista takes the hammer and tries a blow, Triple H hits him and takes the hammer. Triple H shoots for a hammer but Batista cons with a spinebuster. Batista hits a Batista bomb for a terrible fall near the fall.

Batista brings the steel steps into the ring. Triple H takes over and beats the Batista power in the steps, then hits a Pedigree. Two counts.

Ric Flair, attacked by Batista before this match, appears. He slips a mbad to Triple H and distracts Batista. Triple H hits Batista with the hammer, Pedigree and 1-2-3.

Rating: 4 stars. A lot of stuff here. Chairs, tables, sledgehammers, nose rings. The match was injured by a tired crowd, but still excellent. If it was the last match of Batista, it was the one that suited his career.


John Cena, PhD, returns

It is now time for Elias to do what he does. There is an Elias in the ring who plays the guitar with two titantron Elias. Surprisingly, the crowd applauds. The real Elias in the ring plays a riff of the 7 Nation Army. Elias explains that WWE stands for Walk With Elias. The crowd is with him. It is surely the setting up of a spectacular rhythm.

Elias> The Beatles

– Executive Producer Dick Wolf (@JasonKirkSBN) April 8, 2019


And it's spectacular. He is interrupted by Dr. Thuganomics, 2003, John Cena. Cena wears a Yankees jersey and wears her Word Life knee busters. It's great. Cena, dressed in a pair of Reebok sneakers that he had to keep in a safe somewhere, gives a "freestyle" style. It was also great. Worth the price of admission alone.

Roman Reigns def. Drew McIntyre

The Scottish drummers are here to play in Drew McIntyre. These two players could have a good game but will face a crowd that has just reached a peak at #KofiMania. Reigns' music has cheers. It's his first WrestleMania to not participate in the main event since WrestleMania XXX.

According to announcer Corey Graves, Reigns, who has just returned from leukemia, is fighting for all those who have already been seriously ill. Reigns and McIntyre exchange punchy strikes before he hits hard. McIntyre beats on Reigns. They end up outside. Reigns misses a dropkick while driving. Back in the ring, McIntyre hits Alabama Slam.

The crowd is in the match, but shows signs of exhaustion now that we are three hours into the main show and five hours have pbaded since the start of the preshow. McIntyre slaps Reigns who gives the kick off to Reigns in berserk mode. Reigns hits a dropkick driving outside, then a Samoan drop.

Reigns hits a Superman Punch and sets up a spear. He hits and gets the count three.



Rating: 2.75 stars. There is nothing wrong with the match, but the crowd is tired and the end was anti-climatic.

Samoa Joe retains the title of champion of the United States

The US championship is on the line. Rey Mysterio appears as Mysterio of Spider-Man.

Both come into play, Joe hitting Mysterio with a big boot. Mysterio hurricanranas Joe in the ropes and hits a 619. Joe thwarts a dive into a rear throttle. Samoa Joe keeps.

Note: No notes. This one was too short to really count as a match. They will probably have an excellent revenge on SmackDown or the next pay-per-view.

Kofi Kingston Wins WWE Title

It's the hour of one of the most important and most anticipated games of the night. WrestleMania, do not dare to be sour …

The crowd is very high on Kingston and very low on Bryan. It's the hottest crowd of all night. The two begin with the chain fight before Bryan retires. Kingston gave rise to a painful surfboard presentation.

Bryan ends up outside. Kingston takes a dive, but Bryan stands out. Kingston crushes the ads table and potentially kills himself.


Bryan works on Kingston's back, including one knee flying from the top rope to the Kingston hanging rope. Bryan hits running in Kingston. Kingston tries to counter with a dropkick all by himself, but Bryan makes an incredible save against a Boston crab.

Kingston is starting to make a comeback and the crowd is hype. Kingston hits Bryan hard when he tries to get up. The crowd becomes even more exaggerated. Kingston tries a problem in paradise, which Bryan tries to counter with another Boston crab, but Kingston reveals himself and cradles Bryan. They exchange more cradles and Bryan tries and fails to lock the Labelle lock. It's easily the match of the night until now.

Bryan installs his Busaiko knee but Kingston turns him into a SOS DDT, which he then replicates into a Labelle lock. Kingston reaches the ropes, a huge pop of the crowd. Bryan hits his Gatling kicks, Kingston gets up. The crowd is crazy. Kingston uses an inverted DDT for a count of two.

The New Day fight with Rowan on the outside. Bryan will dive all three, but Kingston hits him with a punch and sets up the Trouble in Paradise. Bryan bends down and hits his knee Busaiko for a double charge. Bryan tramples Kingston's face and puts him in Labelle's lock.

Kingston escapes and gives Bryan the same face that Bryan gave him a few moments ago. Kingston hits the Trouble in Paradise and gets the one-two-three.

Rating: 4.5 stars. The best WWE Championship match at WrestleMania since Brock Lesnar against Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 31. A great and awesome match.


IIconics win women's team championships

Paige, from Fighting With Your Family's celebrity, is here as a guest commentator. The Boss & # 39; n & # 39; Hug Connection, still the most misguided Wrestling Wrestling Team, faces drivers IIconics, Nia Jax and Tamina, as well as Beth Phoenix and Natalya. Beth and Natalya are getting on the ring by Bret Hart in a cute moment.

Bayley and Tamina start. Some neat spots at first but the match installs in a rhythm. Natalya locks a double sniper on the Boss login "n" Hug at the same time, but Tamina leveled her then the brutes Tamina and Jax dominate like a bear against a group of puppies.

Jax and Tamina seize the turnbuckles to try to unleash a gigantic double splash, but Phoenix quickly wins over Jax. Phoenix installs Bayley for the Glam Slam from the top rope but the IIconics sneaks to win. We have new champions, guys.

Everyone here is encouraging the IIconics. What a moment of well-being! #Wrestlemania

– & # 39; the influencer & # 39; Brian Zane (@zmanbrianzane) April 8, 2019

Evaluation: 3 stars. Enjoyed some of the big spots in this match and a very good Phoenix performance during his return match, including the huge Glam Slam. Final clever to raise the IIconics over their mediocre status, even though they came dressed as they went to a costume party at high school. Happy times for the WWE universe.

Shane McMahon beats Miz

Members of the Hall of Fame clbad in 2019 go out to pay homage to DX get their own entrance. The Shane O 'Mac match is coming.

Shane arrives first and asks presenter Greg Hamilton to introduce him several times as "The Best of the World". The match begins with the chicane, while Shane comes out to approach Miz's father. Shane, notoriously stiff, pats Miz with painful boxing potatoes. Miz starts to bleed.

The match turns quickly when Shane poses Miz on the announcer's table to prepare for his flying elbow. Miz's father comes from nowhere to protect his son. The father of the Miz enters the ring. The crowd likes that. Shane starts beating Miz's father, then Miz enters and shoots Shane.

They fight outside before Miz returns to the ring to see if his father is down. Miz's father is now a fight meme.

Miz returns to the crowd to fight with Shane. This is a Fall All Around match for those who have forgotten (me). Miz hits Shane from a chair shot, makes him pbad through a table and then hits him with … the roof of a golf cart. They are however in the crowd, so most people can not see them properly.

Miz hits the crushing end of the cranium on a camera stand for a count of two. Shane then climbs into the structure, which Miz then surprises. They hit what is obviously a quilted rug. Both are eliminated, but Shane is above Miz, technically a pin, and counts all three. Lame.

Evaluation: 2 stars. Miz's father was the highlight of the evening. Although the roof of the golf cart is a nice touch and a disappointing finishing sequence, given what Shane is here for that.

Usos keep SmackDown team championships

We have a walkout from Lacey Evans before the Usos go to the SmackDown team championship game. They will defend against the bar, Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev, as well as against the team Aleister Black and Ricochet.

The crowd is noticeably quieter for this one, but the action is good. With four teams and two people in the ring at all times, it's also too quick to recap.

The crowd comes alive when Ricochet enters the ring and does his magic with Cesaro. Cesaro makes his Cesaro swing on Ricochet as Sheamus clubs … everyone. Great time. Cesaro puts Ricochet in an elite shooter, but one of Usos separates him with a superkick.

Black and Rusev end legal men. Black hunting Rusev background. Black is awesome. I wonder if we could be friends. Probably not. He identifies Ricochet, with whom I probably could not be friends either. Rusev hits hard. The eight guys find themselves on the turnstiles for a spot at the eight-person superplex. Ricochet hits a 630 on Sheamus, tries the pin but he is broken by several guys.


The eight finishers exchange their movements. Good product. The machines create stereo splash on Sheamus to keep.

Rating: 4 stars. The crowd started slowly but ended loud. A lot of action in this game. It was a festival, certainly, but fun.

AJ Styles beats Randy Orton

Jerry "The King" Lawler is ready to comment on the next game. That's AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton. This could be a big one.

Chain of struggle to open the match. Orton opts for an RKO, avoids AJ. The crowd is hot on AJ, but there are also some strong songs of Orton. Orton is working on AJ's legs, but AJ is back in full force with a beautiful dropkick. Orton rolls out the ring, AJ hits him with a forearm above the rope. After an outdoor action, Orton launches AJ for your first shot of the night.

Some back and forth, including a powerslam Orton. Orton's normal rhythm here, slowing things down after opening the scoring. AJ locks a calf crusher in the center of the ring, but Orton has the tricks of the trade. This is a man with long limbs. Orton fights but sells his knee. Styles simulates a phenomenal forearm, leading Orton to look for an RKO and fall on his back. AJ hits a 450 springboard for a count of two. Cool place.

After a little more back and forth, Orton meets the best superplex I've seen in years. A European uppercut then hits AJ out of the ring. The sale of AJ is about tonight. Orton sets up a RKO, AJ counter with an enziguri, but Orton hits an RKO. Two counts.

Orton goes for a top-rope RKO. AJ sneaks from under, kicks Pele and Orton takes out the ring. AJ hits a phenomenal forearm on the outside. He rolls Orton, lands another phenomenal forearm for the win.

Rating: 3.5 stars. Well fought. What you expected, but not what it could be.

Seth Rollins beats Brock Lesnar

The two start a fight before the start of the match. Lesnar hits an F-5 on Rollins outside the ring and usually wrecks. Lesnar brings Rollins into the ring and asks the referee to start the match. Before the referee can do it, Lesnar returns Rollins to the outside. Logic Lesnar.



The referee rings the bell. Lesnar hits some German suplexes and goes for another F-5. Rollins against and the referee is flipped in the process. Rollins hits a low blow and then kicks. Then another. Then another.

Three kicks trace the Beast for three counts. Rollins wins the clean universal championship.

Rating: 3 stars. Hot segment to start the show but not much. You can never be sure with Lesnar, but the way that unfolded this fight gives the impression that he is heading to the UFC.



Alexa Bliss, the official host of the evening, opens the show. She says that she can create a WrestleMania moment in a snap of her fingers. She snaps her fingers and pulls out Hulk Hogan. It's like WrestleMania XXX again – but without The Rock or Steve Austin.



As Hogan and Bliss bow, Paul Heyman arrives. If Brock Lesnar is not the last, Heyman says that he is the first. There is your first shock WrestleMania.

Preshow results

The two-hour preshow of WrestleMania has had four matches, including one crowned with new champions. Here are the quick results.

André the Battle Royal Royal giant: Braun Strowman wins by the last elimination of Colin Jost from SNL.

Raw Team Championship Match, The Revival vs. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins: Curt Hawkins breaks his series of 269 consecutive losses as he and Ryder become Raw Team Champions.

WrestleMania Battle Royal Women: Carmella wins by getting Sarah Logan out of the ring.

Cruiserweight Championship Match, Buddy Murphy vs. Tony Nese: The weight-cruisers give the kickoff to WrestleMania in a match in which Tony Nese dethroned Murphy and became the new lightweight champion.

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