Xenophobic attacks: "I'm going to Malawi with a big heart"


When Wrightwell Saka, leader of the Malawian community, came to South Africa three years ago, he had great hopes and aspirations.

"This country is like something else for the rest of Africa.Many of us came here to find some peace and happiness.We wanted to support our families. , at home. "

But it's the opposite of what he and his fellow citizens had to face in the Burnwood informal neighborhood in Sydenham, Durban, last week.

Starting Monday, March 25, a wave of attacks against Malawians left 249 displaced people living in a transit camp near the Sherwood Community Hall. This after a dishonest criminal act committed by a Malawian against a South African.

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Although the authorities maintain the confidential nature of the crime to prevent further violence, it has fundamentally changed the lives of foreigners forever.

Following this rogue act, violence broke out in the community as Malawians were excluded and evicted from their homes. The residents insulted many of their innocent African neighbors by claiming that they were responsible for the job losses and crime in the area.

"People's belongings were taken, they were pushed out of their homes, some were beaten, blankets, mattresses and money were stolen," Saka told News24.

While many returned to Burnwood after the authorities intervened, others chose to return to Malawi.

"I'm going to Malawi with a big heart"

"We do not want to go in. Burnwood was a peaceful place, it was new to us to live this, we had seen it on TV and on pictures, but it was an experience, a reality Most of us are scared and scared to go I am going to Malawi with a heavy heart, "said Saka.

For the Saka, South Africans and Malawians have the same problems in life. He added that both countries were facing job shortages.

"We also do not have jobs and, if we have jobs, the salary is low.I think that instead of fighting against a black man, we were supposed to meet, discuss problems, consider how we could solve it, instead of fighting, Africa is one, these borders have been delineated by people we do not know. "

Malcolm Canham, Senior Coordinator of Disaster Management at eThekwini, said that there had been no incidents of violence in the transit camps.

After the incident, field interventions were conducted to bring stability.

"It comes from the mayor's office and from the community and from the Malawi embbady, ​​and once the situation is stabilized, the people have welcomed the Malawian citizens to the Burnwood area, and the people have already come in. The reinstatement was a success."

"Our counterparts in South Africa are our brothers and sisters, we should not fight"

He added that those who had chosen to return to Malawi had been badisted by the International Organization for Migration, the South African Department of Immigration and the Government of Malawi.

Canham said 105 people said they wanted to return home, but only 85 showed up to leave.

"They will be moved by lots to their country."

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He added that the site where they lived temporarily would be closed from Tuesday.

"The returnees have asked to go down to the ground with their relatives and friends.If everything goes well, the first batch could leave here Wednesday."

On leaving the transit camp, Saka said that he was feeling "very badly".

"We took SA from us, SA is not a country, it is in Africa, we are in our country, our counterparts in South Africa are our brothers and sisters, we do not we should not fight, we are sorry that our fellows are doing it this way. "

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