Xiaomi used Apple's video to introduce Mimoji


Xiaomi's Mimoji feature, allegedly copied from Apple, has been controversial since the first day of its introduction. "Stole from Apple," said Xiaomi will open a lawsuit for those who are now using Apple's advertising video for the promotion of the feature.

Earlier this week, Xiaomi announced its new phone, the Mi CC9, and the release of Mimoji, a feature similar to Memoji on Apple devices. The company says it will sue those who stole Mimoji from Apple and used the promotional films prepared by Memoji for Apple "accidentally".


Xiaomi will sue people who say they stole Mimoji from Apple

The introduction of the Mimoji feature of the CC9 on Chinese retail sites, JD.com and Suning, included the introductory video "Apple Music – Khalid + Memoji". Xiaomi's answer was revealed by a Weibo user. Xiaomi said that this error was the result of çalışan, an employee who uploaded the wrong content,. The badociated video has been removed from the pages of the device after the description.


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The question of how a Xiaomi employee accidentally put this advertising video, published in February with many Apple logos, remains a mystery. Xiaomi's insistent stance that she did not steal Mimoji from Apple's Memoji continues. Apple introduced Memoji for the first time in 2017 with the iPhone X with TrueDepth camera system.

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